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Elena's POV

Elena: Yes. Of course.

Policeman: So, all his stuff are here - He sighed and he opened his bag - His wallet, his phone, his keys...

Elena: Thank you - I hardly smiled.

Policeman: Thank you for your testimony - He closed the files - I am sincerely sorry for your loss, Miss McClain.

Elena: Me too.

He just got up, sighed and Jake led him to the exit. When they left the main room, Emery approached the table at which I was sitting.

Emery: Elena... - She started crying and hugged me so tight - I'm so incredibly sorry.

When she hugged me... I can't even describe this feeling. It's... Nice feeling. I also feel... Relieved. Emery is safe and she's in my arms. If this motherfucker caught her... I wouldn't survive it.

Jake: Elena?

I opened my eyes again and I saw him. He's standing in front of me, right behind Emery. Emery let me go and took a step aside. Then, Jake approached me even more, he crouched down in front of my chair and grabbed my hands.

Jake: How do you feel? - He looked deep in my eyes.

I couldn't help myself anymore. When I heard that question, I burst out crying. From yesterday I'm trying so hard to be strong, but... I can't do it anymore. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't show my suffering.

Jake immediately hugged me and started stroking my hair.

Jake: I'm here, Elena - He said with his warm and calm voice.

Elena: It's all my fault, Jake. If I had moved back then... He's dead because of me. He pushed me away because I wasn't be able to move a muscle. I have my father's blood on my hands. I...

Jake: Listen to me very carefully, okay? It's not your fault, Elena. You had every right to be shocked. Elena, you forgave him. He passed away peacefully. Maria's kidnapper would hurt him anyway, but thanks to you, Joe passed away with your forgiveness. It's not the same like it was with your adoptive parents, Elena. This time, you did it on time. The only one responsible for Joe's death is Maria's kidnapper, no one else, especially not you.

Elena: Jake, please...

Jake: No, Elena - He let me go and looked into my eyes - I won't let you blame yourself, do you hear me? Maria's kidnapper is unpredictable and sick. He's the one who killed your father. Think about him. Joe would never want you to blame yourself. You gave him everything he wanted, Elena. After all these years, he finally got you back.

I looked into his eyes and I know he's right. Of course I know Joe would never want me to blame myself, but still... What the fuck happened to me? Why wasn't I able to move a muscle? Why was I in such shock? It... It's not my style. I'm never so passive.

Then, I heard opening door to the main room. It was Luka.

Luka: How is she? - He sighed and looked at Jake.

Jake: She didn't sleep at night, not even for a few minutes, she didn't eat breakfast... - He sighed - She barely swallowed her vitamins for today. Even after drinking water, she feels like vomiting.

Emery: She is only able to drink tea - She sighed, approached me and handed me another cup of the tea - She has already drunk so many calming teas that... - Her voice cracked - She's barely alive, Luka.

Luka: Could you please leave me alone with her?

Jake and Emery looked at each other questioningly. Of course I didn't even flinch. On the one hand, I heard what they were saying, on the other, I cannot acquire their sentences.

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