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Elena's POV

Luka: How long will you two be holding a grudge?

Elena&Jasmine: Shut up, McKing.

Jake: Oh, come on! It's no big deal.

Elena&Jasmine: Don't even say a word, Danford.

They just sighed and finally shut up. I was still furious at them. I've always used Webster as a bugbear. I never wanted to use him. I feel terrible that I had to call him.

Luka: And why is she so furious? - He whispered to Jake.

Jake: She feels guilty because she had to call Webster - I heard his laugh.

I felt his gaze at me. I didn't look at him. I knew I would smile if I looked at him.

Jake: And now she ignores me and avoids my eyes, because she would smile if she looked at me in the rearview mirror.

I had enough. I am sick of them. I pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car.

Jasmine: What are you doing, Elena? - She was confused.

Elena: You two get out of the car and walk the rest of the way - I said firmly.

Jake&Luka: What?!

Elena: It's not that far. We will meet you there. I am sick of you. Get out the car, now.

Jake: You can't be serious right now.

Elena: You know I am dead serious right now Danford - I finally looked at him with my furious eyes.

He immediately turned pale.

Jake: You know what? - He grabbed Luka's arm, his voice stated shivering - It's brilliant idea. We should stretch the bones anyway.

Jake almost pushed away Luka from car. He closed the door and I started engine again.

Jasmine: He is terribly afraid of you! - She laughed.

Elena: Let's say I have tamed not only the tiger - I winked at her.

Jasmine: But... Admit it! It was so funny! - She started laughing.

Elena: Oh, okay! I know! That was comic! - I finally burst out laughing - I thought I was going to die laughing there.

After 10 minutes we reached the Golf Court. I parked the car and we enter the building. That hall was enormous. It took us a few minutes to reach the reception desk.

The receptionist: O my goodness! Miss Elena McClain!?

Elena: Yes - I laughed - Hello to you too.

The receptionist: What are you doing in NYC, Miss?

Elena: Business - I smiled - Please, call me Elena.

Pamela: My name is Pamela. Nice to meet you, Elena. What do you need?

Elena: Well... - I took my phone - Do you know this woman? - I showed her photo of Maria.

Pamela: Of course! She was so nice and kind! Such people are not forgotten. But... I haven't seen her for a long time... - She sounded sad.

Elena: Could you tell me something more about her?

Pamela: Yes, she was here with her husband. They were totally in love! A beautiful couple. He was so... - She hesitated - Caring about her. They've been here all day. Later their friend wanted to join them...

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