#1 Maria King

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Elena's POV

I opened my eyes and I started looking around. I was lying on the bed in some strange room. I've never seen this room in my life. It looked like a... children's room?

Elena: Jake? - I started shouting.

No answer.

Elena: Luka? Jasmine? - Still no answer.

Finally, I got up and and started looking around. In the room were a lot of photos of some girl. She looked so... familiar. There were a lot of toys and dolls here. Then, I heard some voice.

Man: Elena? You should be up a long time ago! Come for breakfast, please.

I immediately opened the door and left the room. I saw the downstairs in front of me. I started looking around and I saw that there were several other rooms upstairs. There were a lot of pictures on the walls too. I took a closer look and I saw... On the photos were ... my adoptive parents?

Woman: Elena, sweetheart. We are waiting for you!

I swallowed and approached the stairs. I went down uncertainly. I started looking around and then, I noticed some kitchen. At least, I think it's a kitchen. I approached the this place and saw them. I gasped.

Elena: M... Mom? - I had tears in my eyes.

Mom: Something happened? - She looked at me questioningly - Are you sick? - She touched my forehead.

Dad: Yesterday she had fun with the kids from the neighborhood - He laughed - Maybe she is still asleep.

What the fuck is going on? They have never been so nice to me. And now I feel their.. Pure warmth?

Dad: Come here my little princess - He laughed and hugged me - How did you sleep?

Elena: What is going on here?

Mom: I can see that you are really exhausted - She touched my chin and smiled - Please, eat something.

Dad: I guess I'll have to talk to Hannah's parents! - He laughed - Because of her our daughter does not get enough sleep - All the time he was embracing me.

Elena: Hannah? - I looked at him - Hannah Danford?

Mom: Of course - She laughed - But I think it's because of Richy - She winked at me - He is totally into you, sweetheart!

Dad: No boys until she's 16! - He said firmly.

Mom: Oh, come on Lukas. She is 10 years old! At this age, you already start thinking about boys - She laughed.

Elena: What... - I was shocked.

Then, we heard knocking.

Dad: Seriously? - He looked at his watch - It's 10 am for God's sake!

He laughed and he went to open the door.

Hannah: Good morning, Mr. McClain. Is Elena up yet?

I peeked out the door and saw the young Hannah. It looks the same as in my recent, short memory. When she noticed me she smiled and ran towards me.

Dad: Are you asleep at all, young lady? - He laughed and messed her hair.

Hannah: Why waste time sleeping when you can have fun? - She laughed at him and then she grabbed my hand.

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