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Elena's POV (Some time later in the USA, Jake's car, on the way to the FBI headquarters, LA)

Jake and I have been on a lengthy car journey to the FBI headquarters, and surprisingly, we've managed to stay thoroughly engaged in conversation throughout the entire ride. In stark contrast to our initial car trip, which occurred when I was about to return to the DIC, this current excursion has proven to be an entirely distinct and more enjoyable experience...

Our morning chat in my apartment had me increasingly captivated by Jake's globetrotting tales. My curiosity piqued, I eagerly probed him for more anecdotes, and he didn't disappoint. He had me in fits of laughter with his accounts of wild escapades alongside his friend Luka and the daring exploits of his youthful, carefree teenage self, driven by the simple desire to savor life's freedom and adventure...

Honestly, I found myself quite astonished on several occasions. Some of Jake's stories were so unbelievably wild that it was hard to reconcile them with the composed and reserved Jake I've come to know. It was a revelation to discover this hidden mischievous and humorous side of him. These crazy years seemed to have left their mark even on someone as seemingly reserved as him. Strangely enough, it left me intrigued, almost longing to witness that wild and adventurous side of Jake he had regaled me with tales of...

Elena: No - I laughed and rested my head against the head rest - You must be joking, Jake.

Jake: That's true - He chuckled as he moved on the green light - If only you saw the faces of our coworkers when they realized they had transparently changed their official emails into some cringy and embarrassing ones. My favorite one was the new email for the CEO, which was "" - He tried to keep a serious tone while Elena burst out laughing again - Well, as we were about to leave that company and Australia in general, we wanted to do something to shake up their already rusted blood system as our goodbye card.

Elena: Okay, the point is yours - She kept chuckling as she wiped her tears away - I can see you actually have some sense of humour.

Jake: But of course - He emphasized, keeping his serious tone - And with you by my side, it slowly recovers, as hearing your beautiful laughter is my biggest motivation to get it back.

As I pursed my lips, I turned my face to the side, allowing myself to bask in the breathtaking beauty of this city. My curiosity surged, and I bombarded Jake with countless questions about every building, landmark, and detail in our surroundings. Remarkably, he patiently indulged my inquisitiveness, a testament to his deep affection for this place. It became increasingly evident that Jake possessed an intimate knowledge of every nook and cranny in the city...

And at the same time...

I find myself in a state of pure bliss here. The admiration I hold for this place is beyond words, and I'm experiencing a profound transformation compared to my time in Duskwood. In that distant place, I perpetually felt like an outsider, an individual who never quite belonged. However, in this vibrant city, I'm starting to sense that it could be my true home...

Elena: Are you sure we will make it on time? - I peeked at my watch.

Jake: Yes, look... - He nodded at some building - Right after this skyscraper you will see the building of the FBI headquarters.

Elena: Someone here is spying on his besties? - I smirked at him.

Jake: To defeat your enemy, you need to know them much better than they know themselves - He smiled - But, aside from the fact that they've been chasing my ass for five years, forcing me to keep an eye on their location constantly, they are also my competition - He peeked at me - Let's say I know how to keep my position in the market, always one position above them.

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