And he's not about to allow people of her past degrade her when she's not here to defend herself!

Invisible melee weapons bounced off of Kirishima's crystal armor, charging at the wizard without regard. Swinging a right hook at their temple only for it to be blocked by their forearm. Grinning, Eijirou knew they'd be focused on him and not the female rushing behind him, as she used him as leverage to swing around and landing a clean hit. Leaving the others to watch in awe at such teamwork.

Izuku grinned widely, of course these two would be duo that should be concerned about.

Not allowing them to rest, Eijirou charged once more, dodging the enemy's high kicker by sliding on his knees across the boards. Allowing Koyuki to deflect the hit, holding them in place for the hero to strike from behind, hitting hard jabs on their spine. Receiving a rasp for a cough from such impacts, gaining a look of contempt.

Before they could strike, the Hydrosphere Dragon Slayer slid back, avoiding damage from her friend's hardened slam, sending the wizard's body crashing through the floorboards. Causing plums of smoke to rise up from such impact.

"Woah!" Happy ooh'd openly, impressed with their teamwork.

"Now that's what I call a clean hit!" Cheered the red head, just like his unbreakable his newest addition met its limit, breaking apart with little fragments littering the floor. However, his companion, Koyuki, sniffed the air with confusion, "Did he escape?"

At her words, Izuku and Natsu tensed, "Koyuki!!"

Surprised at their calls she didn't see the apparition appearing behind her with a look of disappointment, until far too late. An elbow met her cheek, sending body flying in midair, spinning from such force. Leaving the viridian haired hero to leap into action, catching her from hitting the ground.
Eijirou wasn't quick enough to react, the man disappeared, leaving him to search around with tensed muscles. Crimsons scouting around for wherever the wizard may be. Sweat cascading down his brows, unable to locate any footsteps, this ability was far from his classmate's invisibility Quirk. A sudden clap on his ears sent shockwaves down his spine, leaving him discombobulated. His joints going against his commands, slumped down on the ground staring ahead with orbs dulls.

"Kirishima!" Daisy cried out, panicked at seeing the teen kneeling with a look of shock.

The threat behind the young hero tugged on his glove, clicking his tongue in a chiding manner, "Such awful manners should be punished." Tapping their chin in thought, before a malicious sneer appeared, "Remember those members of your guild I have captive? How about I dispose of them one by one."

"No, please!" Mavis implored, even if beaten and bruised, she still attempted to stand on her feet. Only to tumble back onto the human-Exceed's side. Tears welling in fear for her guildmates, like a mother worried for her children's lives.

"You people have pushed this beyond the point of no return." Shivers shot down their spines at their conniving grin, both Fairy Tail and both Katsuki and Shoto are endanger by this sadist if they don't do something.

'How do we even defeat him...?' Various ideas swam through ex-heiress, her body unable to stop trembling. Terrified for her friends and those caught in the cross-fire. What could she do to stop this man from killing them? Before her fears could consume her, her orbs broadened in remembrance. Whipping her head up and shouted "H-Hold on!" Pleased that it at least caught their attention, "It's not just our people you took. Brandish was here, too!"


Midoriya gawked in horror at Heartfilia's willingness to reveal of their prisoners, emeralds questioning her what she planned on doing with this revelation. Only for the blonde beauty to ignore his stare. Glancing over to the man, now seeing him create an orb to project their captives presence, leaving them to gap at those inside.

Monstrous Hero- My Hero Academia x Fairy Tail (Oc)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat