Electing our [Classroom] President

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An- Artwork from Shinto in Quotev.

It was another day in U. A High School, though, the day seemed...crowded.

"What's it like learning from All Might?" One of the reporters asked the nervous greenette, "Eh?! Ah... Sorry. I'm due at the nurse's office..."

"Tell us what the Symbol of Peace looks like in front of the class!" Interviewing the brunette, "How he looks? Um... Super muscly!! Yeah!" While flexing her arms, as if mimicking the hero.

"Tell us about "All Might, the teacher." Now interviewing the dark blue haired teen, "Every day with him is a reminder that I'm enrolled at this preeminent educational institution. Beyond his obvious dignity and presence, he's also quite humorous. As we students are privy to observing his many facets, we've been given the opportunity to discover just what makes a top hero a top hero. Also..." Rambling on and on his admiration for the number one hero.

"When All Might is-- Huh?! You're the kid from the Sludge incident!!" Recognising the blonde himself from the past, Katsuki unamused and not in the mood too. "Buzz off."

"Dragoon-san! Dragoon-san!" A much more novice interviewer beamed excitedly to the girl. Immiadetly recognising her, "What's All Might like in your class?"

"Well, he's very charismatic and positive towards his students. Which I can very much appreciate, it's good to have someone positive to us students as we learn. Though he needs more time to adjust himself as the role of a teacher. Ah, I have to go, sorry if my answers are a bit vague."

"No-not at all!" As the mage waved the interviewer farewell. The man cheered silently at meeting the mage, while feeling heated and envious glares from pros.

Toru and Ochako awed at the Dragoon's calmness towards the journalists, "Wow Koyuki-chan. You were like a celebrity out there."

Uraraka nodded in agreement, "Yeah! Didn't it feel overwhelming?"

"Ha ha! I find these interviews pretty calm." Being a mage of Fairy Tail, the journalists were much gun ho in their jobs. Also, the exposure she and her friends are to the 'Wizard Weekly.'

In 1-A...

"Good work with yesterday's battle training. I've looked over your grades and evaluations." Placing stack of paper on the front desk for everyone to see.

"Bakugou." Calling out to the blonde first, "Grow up already. Stop wasting your talent." It was surprising to hear a light scold, but the teen understood, "...got it."

"And it seems Midoriya ended yet another day with a broken arm." Jolting at the call of his name and the reveal of another injury to his body he caused in the past. Nervous that this will be the point of expulsion, "Learn to control your Quirk, because just trying isn't going to cut it."

"I hate repeating myself. But you have do have potential, assuming you can overcome this. Work at it, Midoriya." It was surprising to such encouraging words, though it came out rough. However, it did not dissway the greenette, "Okay!"

"Now, on to homeroom business. Sorry for the sudden announcement, but today..." Making everyone tense, 'What is it...?! Another brutal pop quiz?!'

"You'll pick a Class President."

'Such a normal, school-lije thing!!'

"Bum brum bump bump brum dant di dant~~!!" Mimicking the classical American music for their presidents.

"WE'RE NOT IN AMERICA!" Gaping at the silverrete at using the president theme. She only shrugged with a derpy smile.

Reminded again what their teacher said, which caused everyone to wildly raise their hands:

Monstrous Hero- My Hero Academia x Fairy Tail (Oc)Where stories live. Discover now