A Sinner's Guilt

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An- My artwork of team Red Invisible Blizzard.

Also, the meaning of Red Spider Lily in Japan means death. So the previous chapter...OOF!!


"Waaah~!" Toga awed scenery before her with sparkling golds, never had she seen the once flourishing city burn with dark fires before. They weren't red as scarlet blood! It is as if she was witnessing a new flower that's blooming before her very eyes, and she's fortunate enough to be blessed from such scenery. Cheeks flushing upon listening to the screams, imaging the beautiful bloods patter painting the city streets. Blood petals accompanying this new breed of flowers.

Unlike Himiko, Compress couldn't grasp what he was witnessing before him himself. It was as if it were something American Hollywood would describe as the Armageddon they've predicted to appear in their gruesome movies. Now, here they stood in the distance from the once prospering city, turned to shrills that begged for salvation. And this all happened within the span of minutes did such disastrous catastrophe played. "Goodness, the city is practically on fire." Yes, every building that isn't consumed by the hungry flames will soon be eaten by the darkness that are flames.

Twice, shadowing his vision from being blinded from the bright flames, ooh'ed at such vision, "It's like looking at hell!" At first aweing then sighed blissfully, "It's heaven~" Ignored by many of his companions for his sudden change, already used to his bipolar responses. Even when the man suddenly flapped his arms around like a bird in a burning forest.

Spinner, who only set his sights ahead of the fires to where the sudden blast happened. Whatever it was, it left a large impression on the League of Villains of their prowess to wrangle up practically the whole Japanese heroes to react. Instantly knowing that there are only few who could snap heroes from their lazy chairs and jump to attention of a sudden threat, "It's possibly one of those people from that other world." Indeed, people like Helios made quite the scare for Earth and now that they were gone, it was only deduced that there's another threat from that world traveled here. Perking up when their leader turned from the scorching city, turning to them with questioning eyes, "Shigiraki?"

"Avoid it." Waving off Spinner's silent question. Not even glancing back to see the very creature causing this calamity, nor when the beast screeched above the shattered buildings. Circling around in search of something, something it craves to devour if those pupil-less eyes grinned on their search for their prey. Tomura certainly wanted no part in this havoc between wizards and their conflict. Pausing in his step to glare out nowhere in particular, his crimson hues burning with such rage for all the events he's been through. Especially those fuzzy memories about Hecate and her experiments, those experiments that make his skin crawl with rage. And those tube that's now under his watch will forever remind him what that demoness has done. Clenching his hands into fists to control his emotions from running wild, lest he wanted to catch the dragon's attention for the sudden decay in the distance. "We don't want to be involved nor be under those freaks radar."

Their final and silent member stepped forward, getting a closer look to what the fuss is about with the league. Unmoved by the embers flown passed his skin in favor staring out the burning city.

Twice and Toga met eyes, curious to what the man was thinking. Leaving Himiko to shrug in naivete to, unsure what to ask unlike her wild companion. Jin couldn't read their emotions, which was quite surprising to see on the very lazed man, "Dabi?"

The man himself on shrugged sluggishly to Twice's concern, almost shrugging off their questions they hold and he wanted to be left in peace. Which was difficult when you have fires and screams filling the hot air of the night. To which Dabi exhaled tiredly, watching the show before him with scrutinizing eyes and a low mutter, "This really is hell..." Indeed, Earth has now bared witness to what it is like peeking into hell.
With a sigh, he strut off without an ounce of concern, not even when he's heading towards the flaming hells itself. Ignoring Twice's yapping from behind, "Oi! Where do you think you're going."

Monstrous Hero- My Hero Academia x Fairy Tail (Oc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz