Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer

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An- Artwork from Lights-chan.

Dabbing rubbing alcohol on the Dragoon's scrapped eyebrow, causing the girl to flinch at the sting, "Ah tah tah tah!"

"Bare with it, Dragoon-san." Were Shoto's firm words, though he held a face of apology. It was the end of day two, finishing another day of interning with the number two hero. Once so, Koyuki and Endeavor had another spar match back in the Todoroki household, Quirk (and magic) this time. Their outdoor training ground was now unusable due to how burnt and deformed the area had now become.

The mage practiced her Fire-Water mode and used it against the hero. Seeing her fused "Quirks" on the sidelines had the chrome teen in awe. Though he held polar opposite Quirks, they did not fuse as Koyuki's. Seeing fire and water intermingle, releasing steam and strange ethereal element was something unbelievable. But once the match ended and the girl ceased using her power, her top was burnt to dust and left her upper body nude.

Much too Fuyumi's horror, rushing and tossing a white-grey yukata over the younger girl's head. Trying to save the mage's dignity from the sight of two men in the area. Though Endeavor was indifferent to such thing. Shoto turned away with glowing cheek's, flustered at such half-nudity from the Slayer.

Which now brought to them now; both siblings aiding the two wounded opponents.

Placing the bandage over her brow, "Does it still sting?" Concern laced in his words.

"If she cannot handle pain, there's no business for her to continue these spars and internship." Glaring towards the man, irked at his father's gruff words. Koyuki only huffed at this, "Someone's pride got hurt today." Seeing that the man too was being treated too.

Turning back to Shoto with a broad smile, "Hey, Shoto." Recieving a hum, implying he's listening as he treated her wounds, "Wanna train?" Pointing up directly at the teen's face, once seeing his confusion at her suggestion, "But hand-to-hand. You need to start familiarizing yourself on that." Seeing that the young Todoroki heavily relied more on his Quirk(s) over hand-to-hand.

Blinking widely, stunned to hear the silverette's blunt honesty. But continued the treatment, causing the girl to cringe at the burning of the alcohol, "You should rest first--"

"Mah!" Waving off his concern, "It's just a scratch--"

"You're covered in scraps and few bruising."

The young woman silently smiled at this; she never knew Shoto could be a bit of a worry-wart. Yet seeing her brother reprimand the whining silverrete was a sight. Finishing her part, her father slid past her and went inside with a huff. Possibly to review paperwork or plan out for tomorrow's exercise for the two teens even with his own wounds. Returning her sights to the two, smiling when the girl was still adamant to train her brother. Shoto sighing at the girl's persistence, gave in; now was told to start off with a stance of preparation...

"Eh?" Were Koyuki's befuddled response, a bit of a sweatdrop on her forehead at seeing Shoto's tensed stance, "You're going to be too stiff in a fight. You gotta loosen up."

"A-Ah, like this?" Only loosening his muscle a fraction. This made the Slayer giggle and tapped around his figure, much to Shoto's utter embarrassment, "Forearms up, close to sheilding your face." Patting his arms up. "Preferred leg a bit forward, the other back." Tapping his hips, making the chrome teen flinch in surprise at her boldness, "Back straight, when fighting, you gotta show some determined confidence." Stepping back to see his improved stance, but blinked in confusion at the glowing redness his face took, "Are you okay?"

Glancing away, not meeting her azure's, "I'm fine..." Flinching when he felt a hand pressed over his forehead. Now meeting her stare, seeing her other hand pressed over her own, comparing his temperature too her's. Humming, as if getting an estimate, "You seem fine." Moving her hand away from the blushing teen, "Hm. Maybe we should do this another time then."

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