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||3RD POV||

She walked down the street and notices that the sun was setting, she quickly walked inside a convenience store and went to the fridges. She opened the glass door and picked out a bottle of water and closes as she heads towards the counter where a young girl was on her phone. She grabs a small pack of bubble gum and she places the items on the counter, catching the teen's attention who hurriedly his her phone.

Aya had a smile on her face as she took out some cash while the teen was staring at the brunette with wide eyes and secretly taking photos of the brunette. Aya heard a faint tap and notices that she was sneaking pictures of her, she coughed into her hand and the teen hid her phone. The brunette raised a brow at the shorter girl and asked with crossed arms, "Are you done scanning my items or are you just too busy sneaking pictures of me?" 

The teen flinched and was about to retort back but the door behind her was opened and a large hand was placed onto her shoulder and a male voice spoke, "My apologies, Miss. It seems that she doesn't know it rude to just take pictures without someone's consent while she's on the job." The teen gulped while lowering her gaze to the floor but Aya waves it off as she slams the cash onto the counter and with a tight smile, she seethed through her teeth, "She could've just asked for a picture and I would've given her one but at this point, I don't give a shit. Enjoy the rest of your evening," She looks at their name tags and ended in an angry tone, "Katsumi, Kozue." 

She grabbed her items and walked out of the convenience store, she opened the bottle and took massive gulps, drinking every single drop of the clear liquid. She tossed the empty bottle in a trash can as she walks past on, she opened the small pack of gum and blew a bubble. She immediately spits out the gum when she tasted the flavor, she threw the entire pack away. She heard a voice calling out to her and looks over her shoulder

Her eyes widen with relief when she saw Iida with Manual, she turns around and waits until they were in front of her. Manual had a blush on his cheeks while Iida was staring her down, she smiles at the hero. "Reaper? How come your in Hosu? Don't you have internships to do with the new recruits?" He asked as he tried to calm his heartbeat down and she snickers as she answered with a smile, "I was fired from my company just before the internship, so I'm currently cruising around Hosu to get a part-time job or something."

Iida and the hero felt their hearts stopped momentarily as they stared at her, she gave them a thumbs-up as she exclaimed, "I'm over it though, so there's no need to worry about me." There was an awkward silence between them but her voice breaks it, "Are you guys perhaps patrolling?" Manual nods happily while Iida looked at her with regret through his helmet, she had a mischievous look in her eyes as she teased, "Ah, what helpful heroes you two are!"

Manual blushes and coughed into his hand as he places his hand onto her shoulder, "Do you want to join?" She nods softly and they both walked, she was walking behind them since she doesn't want to receive a lot of attention. When the sun was setting over the horizon, she notices a being flying over the buildings. Out of nowhere, she felt her body being lifted by claws and she heard horrifying screams. She looked up and was met with a creature that was similar to the one at the USJ incident. 

She yelped as she tried to escape its claws which were wrapped around her tightly, she looks down at the ground and saw the two males staring at her with horrified expressions. She watches as the buildings blow up and create chaos, her eyes were filled with horror when she noticed how the Nomu was flying with her over the city. She saw the bullet train and saw a familiar green-haired boy, with all her might, she yelled, "IZUKU!!" 

He looks over and saw her being carried away by the Nomu, he watched with terrified eyes and gritted teeth as they grew distant. She struggled against the creature's hold but suddenly, her body was descending to the ground when she felt a liquid hit her face. She notices that she was getting closer to the ground and closed her eyes, she was about to open her wings but she felt arms catch her. She wraps her arms around their neck as they landed on the ground, she slowly releases herself from her savior.

She steps back with a sigh of relief as she opened her eyes, she was met with Stain. She was frozen to the ground in slight fear when she saw the bloodlust in his eyes, she glanced at the figure on the ground and saw Native. She was about to run away but she was slammed into the wall, causing her oxygen to escape her lungs painfully. She stared into his eyes as he slammed his swords next to her face.

She gulped and felt his finger touch her cheek and he pulled away revealing the Nomu's blood which splattered onto her face. She watches him with wide eyes as Iida appeared out of nowhere and Stain raises his sword, knocking his helmet off of his head as he fell to the ground. He looks at Iida with a lightly surprised expression and stated, "A child wearing a suit... Who is he? Go away. This is not a place for children." 

Aya sunk to the floor when she felt her body being paralyzed, she notices the golden blood on the blade and watched how Stain licked the golden blood. She continued the dots and realized he was the cause of her paralyzation, her eyes narrow as she watched how Iida slightly got up from the ground. "A scarf as red as blood, carrying blades all over your body..." Iida started as he stared at him with hateful eyes, "You must be the Hero Killer: Stain!"

Stain watches with blank eyes but glanced at the paralyzed female as she glares at Iida who continued, "You are, aren't you? I have been chasing you! I did not think I would find you so soon! I am..." His eyes narrow as he pointed his blade at Iida, stating, "Your eyes... Are you here for vengeance? Be careful of what you say. Depending on the situation, even children may become my targets." Aya growled as she tried to move but failed, catching both of their attention, "Leave him out of this, Stain!"

Iida ignored her as he spat ou with clenched fists, "Are you saying that I am... not even a target? Then listen, criminal! I am the younger brother of a hero you attacked." Slowly, Iida raised to his feet as he continued, "The younger brother of a most excellent older brother! I have come to stop you in his place!" Her eyes were wide as her heart was beating wildly as he roared, "Remember my name for as long as you live! Ingenium. It is the name of the hero who will defeat you!" Stain replied with a horrifying look in his eye, "I see. Die.

And at that moment, her body worked and she pushed herself in front of Iida, she felt herself get impaled through abdomen by his blade. She gasped out of pain when her blood seeped from her wounds. She looks over her shoulder at Iida who stared horrified at her and she gave him a smile as she said painfully, "See? I... told you that... I could handle it..." Slowly, she fell to the ground when Stain pulled his blade out of her. 

She gripped the fresh wound with her hand as a pool of rose-gold blood poured around her body and her eyes started closing as she heard an angered voice spoke, "I shouldn't have impaled a brave hero like her, someone who's selfless like her. It was supposed to be you! Not the real hero here!"

She lost consciousness after hearing that sentence...

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