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Standing outside the large wooden doors, Brett felt the nerves overwhelm him. He felt the nerves overwhelm him to the point of having to sit down at one of the benches next to the door to collect himself.

Ray sat down next to him and rubbed his back gently, trying to calm one of his best friends before he was heading up the beautiful flower-patterned carpet to marry his other best friend.

"Just nerves or something specific you're worried about?" he asked as the poor venue worker waited patiently, knowing that the schedule would be off by a mile by the time this stressed out groom had calmed down.

"Just... yeah, just normal regular nerves," Brett said with a content sigh. How much better hadn't his life become in just the past year with the voice in check, getting engaged, moving in together, and now finally getting married to the man of his dreams.

"Good, good. Now, your fiancé is waiting just next door. Should we head inside before he passes out from nervousness about you being late?" Ray suggested with a wide grin, as he stood up and grabbed Brett's hand to pull him to his feet.

"God okay, I'm ready. Are you ready, Ray? Got the ring?" Brett asked, and Ray made a show of pretending to have forgotten the ring before pulling it out of his pocket to show him.

"Dude chill, everything's under control. The only thing you gotta do now is head up there, say the magic words and suddenly you are Brett Chen and not Brett Yang. Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

Brett nodded and ran his hand nervously through his hair, not even considering how it would slightly move it out of place. It felt right.

"I'm walking in before you, and when I'm up there it's your turn, okay? Good luck, bro," Ray said as the door opened and he put on his best smile and slipped inside. Brett watched his friend stroll up the aisle to stand om the left side of the altar, and when ge turned and gave him a nod he knew it was his turn.

Everything was just how he imagined it. The yellow, fluffy flowers gave the room a bright look and the white flowy fabrics hanging alongside the large windows softened everything.

As Brett stepped into the room, Victoria, who was wearing a beautiful green dress, the same green as the leaves of the flowers decorating the room, gracefully slipped into the Norwegian wedding march she had prepared for their ceremony.

On his left, his mother was fighting tears, and next to her was the empty seat where his father would have sat. His brother was giving him the thumbs up, and just on the row behind his mother was Berit.

She was the woman who had saved them, the reason this day was happening. She flashed him a big smile as he walked past her, and already he felt the tears pressing on.

He hadn't even taken the time to look up at his fiancé yet, but when he did the tears were impossible to stop. The sun was shining through the staim glass window, elegantly outlining Eddy's features and making him look almost godlike where he was standing.

Eddy reached out and took Brett's hand to help him up the little step to stand by the altar, and at that point Brett knew he was home. The familiar feeling of Eddy rubbing the back of his hand made everything feel safe and in place. Victoria went and took her place next to her grandmother and wiped a single tear, careful not to ruin her make up.

"Welcome, everyone. We have gathered here today, from near and far, to witness the marriage of Brett Yang and Eddy Chen. On behalf of the couple, I would like to thank everyone..."

Brett spaced out as the officiant kept going through his speech, drowning in Eddy's warm eyes and bright smile. Butterflies made themselves present in his stomach, and in Brett's mind there and then there were only the two of them in their perfect little world.

"You may now exchange vows. Brett, you may begin," the officiant said, pulling Brett of out their little bubble. He had been rehearsing this part for months, and had rewritten them more times than he could remember to get them just right.

"Eddy, my best friend, my love," he began, shakily, feeling tears well up already. He took a deep breath before continuing. "You've been my best friend for a very long time now, and honestly, looking back, I don't think there's anyone else I could possibly have ended up with."

Tears welled up in Eddy's eyes as well as he recognized Brett's words from the proposal, and the urge to hug Brett grew strong. He knew, though, that it would interrupt the ceremony.

"I promise to continue to improve and become an even better version of myself so I can continue to love you like you deserve," Brett continued, wiping a tear from his cheek. "And... and I promise, love, I'll play second violin any time you want to play first."

Brett paused as a laugh spread through the audience, and even Eddy had to smile at that part.

"And last but not least, I want to offer you myself, flaws and all, in exchange for your love and your last name. I love you."

Even the officiant looked a bit touched at Brett's words and he had to clear his throat to pass the word over to Eddy.

"Bretty mine," Eddy began, a huge smile spreading over his lips. "I don't even know where to start when explaining how much you mean to me. Every little thing you do, from how you brush my hair out of my eyes, how you would fight to protect me, how you ask for hearts in my coffee."

Brett smiled at the memory, and Eddy paused to simply study his beautiful smile. He wanted that smile burnt permanently into his brain, wanted this moment to last forever.

"I look forward to falling in love with you over and over and over again every day, to grow old with you by my side where you're meant to be."

Eddy squeezed Brett's hand lightly, and again the world was nothing but the two of them. His heart felt like it was about to flutter through his chest.

"Now," the officiant said, folding his hands. The legal part of things. "Brett Yang, do you take Eddy Chen to be your husband?"

Brett looked up, meeting Eddy's warm eyes as he could practically feel the audience hold their breath awaiting his reply.

"I do, of course."

"And do you, Eddy Chen, take Brett Yang to be your husband?"

Eddy just grinned, squeezing Brett's hand again.

"I do."

"You may now exchange rings."

Jordon stepped forward first, giving Eddy the ring to place on Brett's finger. They exchanged a smile before Jordon patted him again on the back and stepped back into his spot.

Eddy took Brett's hand in his, slipping the ring on with ease. A perfect fit, of course. They had measured the ring size properly.

This time Ray stepped forward and handed Brett the ring he was to give to Eddy, and Brett took it with the brightest of smiles.

He had to take a deep breath before sliding the gold band onto Eddy's finger, just like he had after he proposed. He could feel Eddy's hands shaking, and he could feel the tears pressing on again.

"I hereby pronounce you to be husband and husband. You may now kiss to seal the bond."

Eddy gently wiped Brett's cheek free of tears with a shaky hand before slowly leaning in for a kiss that by all standards would count as inappropriate for the situation.

//First of all, guys, thank you for reading all the way through and following me on this journey. Chapter 200? Insane. Thank you to everyone who has left comments, voted and read this piece I've cranked out almost every day for the past few months. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

My journey does not end there, though. Another story will start in the next hours, so keep an eye out from that.

Last of all: Happy new year! May the new decade be filled with music, joy and our two favourite boys.

Now go practice. //

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