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They had to take the light rail to get to the place of the party, having discovered on the way there that appearently it was impossible to buy alcohol anywhere in Norway after 8 pm. One of the workers in a shop they had passed called Kiwi, which they had laughed about thinking of the flightless bird, had explained to them how the laws worked. They had decided to go to the party anyway, if anything just to see how a student party went down in Norway.

Appearently they were going to a place called Fantoft, and the party was held in the common room of one of the student housing blocks there. They got of the light rail at the correct stop and Victoria had met and followed them back to the party. She was obviously tipsy, but not drunk. 
"Don't worry about being older", she had said, even though nobody had mentioned it. "The oldest student at the party is like 30 or something." Brett didn't really take to Victoria the same way Eddy had, but she seemed alright enough, and he trusted Eddy's instinct.

They got in the common room and was greeted by some sort of loud party music everyone seemed to know the lyrics to. They weren't playing it excessivly loud, which both Brett and Eddy apprechiated, as they both needed their hearing the following day.
"You haven't brought any alcohol? Don't you guys drink?" Victoria had asked Eddy, followed by a giggle. She was taller than Brett, easy. Probably a good five centimeters at least, but just slightly shorter than Eddy. Her blonde hair was in a tight ponytail that flowed in light waves down her back. Brett thought that she must be used to getting her way through flirting, but he threw the thought away as a likely bad judgement of character. Eddy seemed to find her alright, after all.
Eddy shook his head at the question. "The shops wouldn't sell us..?" He spoke loudly, trying to speak over the music, standing closer to Victoria so she could hear him.
"I have some Swedish Cider, if you want?" she suggested, even making a point of offering to Brett as well. Brett sent her a thankful smile, as staying at this party with nothing to drink wasn't very tempting. They got a can each from Victoria and opened it. She also got one for herself, even though she was way ahead of them drinking wise.
"Cheers!" she said, and the three bumped their cans together.

It wasn't long before Brett started to feel the alcohol work in his brain. He hadn't had a drink in a while, which probably did not help either. He got talking to a group of students who studied music with Victoria, among them a tall, big and blonde guy who said he played classic saxophone. He looked pretty much like every viking you could imagine as he had a relaitvely good beard going. His name was appearently Christoffer, but to call him Chris. They spoke for a while, and he gave Brett some beer when he had finished the Swedish Cider. 
Eddy was out on the dance floor, really feeling the harmonically depressing music playing. The bass was intense, but not loud. Brett even met a few fans at the party, some who studied music and some who didn't, while Eddy was downing his fourth can of cider. Brett kept an eye on him, but the conversation with the group was interesting, and gave Brett some ideas for future videos on their channel. After a while, Victoria had mentioned to Brett she was heading home, and to look out for Eddy as he was getting quite drunk. Brett brushed it off. Eddy had been drunk before, and would always seek out Brett if something were to happen. He still kept an eye out though.

"Brettyyy", he heard a sweet voice behind him say in a slurred voice after a good hour of enjoyable chatter. He felt Eddy's arms entangle him from behind, and Eddy's breath was reeking of alcohol. He couldn't help but laugh a bit at how incredibly cute he was when drunk, but they weren't official yet. Had they been, Brett would have kissed him despite the alcohol breath.
"What is it?" he laughed, not really sober himself. The group around him also laughed with them, watching the tall drunk guy sloppily hang off the shoulders of their new friend.
"Can we go home now, Bretty?" he mumbled in his ear, in a silly attempt to avoid the group hearing, but they all heard. "I'm tireeeeed... and we have rehearsaaaal...."
Brett checked the time on his phone. 22:57. "Come on Eddy, it's not even late yet. We're having a good time here..." he said, gesturing towards his newfound friends. He hadn't felt this normal in ages, speaking to some actual people who weren't Eddy for once.
"But Brettyyy..." he said, halfway falling as he tried to walk around the chair Brett was sitting in. Brett caught him. "I don't wanna go back myself all alone with nobody... What if I get KIDNAPPED or RAPED Bretty?" He made an emphasis on "kidnapped" and "raped" to exaggerate the potential risk. Brett wasn't convinced though, as he had just been told rape was relatively rare in this area by some of his new friends.
"I'll walk you home, if you'd like. I live not too far from the city centre, and was heading home soon anyways", Chris suggested in a kind voice, moving his look from Eddy to Brett in search of confirmation. Brett thought about it for a few seconds. He felt like he knew Chris, and he had spoken to Eddy as well, so Eddy would know who he was. He felt safe Chris would take good care of him, even in his drunken state and nodded in confirmation.
"Sureeeee" Eddy said, grinning widely. "But doooon't stay late Bretty!" he said as he leaned slightly onto Chris who had gotten out of the couch he had occupied to take over the task of supporting Eddy. Not nearly in the same way as he had done with Brett though.
"No worries, Eddy. I'll be back in an hour or two myself. Get some sleep and stay safe." He gave Eddy a quick hug before watching Chris help him put his shoes back on, as they had been kicked off at some point, and head out.

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