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This was it. The dress rehearsal had went perfectly, which kind of scared the two of them. A perfect dress rehearsal usually meant a bad concert, and they did not need a bad concert. Brett's mind was not completely in the game, but the quick kiss from Eddy backstage before heading out to the stage snapped him out of his spiral of self doubt and back to reality. It was so public, just out in the waiting area where the tech crew might walk past, where the employees of the concert hall had their break room. It caused Brett's already nervous heartrate to speed up slightly more and his cheeks to turn red. He felt a sheepish smile form on his face.
"Good luck, love", Eddy whispered to his shorter duet partner before they stepped out the double doors and onto the large wooden stage to a thundrous applaus.

The concert went great. They hadn't played a serious concert in forever, and this was just the break from the comedy acting they needed. Brett couldn't help but to peek over at his absolutely wonderful boyfriend's focused face every once in a while. He was too beautiful not to look at all dressed up in concert attire with his hair still slightly messy from all the nervous ruffling of it earlier. Brett hadn't told him, simply because he thought it looked too good on him.
Eddy had also peeked over to Brett every once in a while, but nothing that took away from the music. In a way, he was able to put everything aside when he played, unlike Brett who just poured his feelings out in his playing. Eddy could tell he was thinking about something, just by listening to his playing. He knew him well enough for that.

After the concert they were rushed to mingle with the audience in the entrance area of the concert hall as that was usual with this orchestra. Of course, this applied to all the members of the orchestra and Victoria quickly found Brett and Eddy.
"Hey guys, awesome job in there! Bra spilt!" Eddy gave her a confused look.
"What was that last thing?" he asked while laughing slightly. The crown buying wine from the bar was pretty loud, so he thought he just misheard her.
"Bra spilt! It means well played in Norwegian!" she said, smiling widely. "You thought you'd get to spend almost three weeks in Norway without learning any Norwegian, didn't you?" The last part was obviously a joke, but Brett jumped into the conversation.
"Okay okay, say it again slowly", he requested from Victoria, who did as she was asked. Brett furrowed his eyebrows while thinking about how to form his mouth to repeat what she had said.
"Buhhrrrrraahh.... job-ah..." he tried, followed by Victoria's light laugh.
"Well, almost..." she said and looked over to Eddy. "You wanna try?"
Eddy shook his head. This crowd was a bit too much for him right there and then. "I think I'll go to a slightly quieter place, but you practice your Norwegian, Brett! Might turn into a viking any time now!"

Eddy walked off, leaving the two of them to their sudden Norwegian class. He got a few compliments on his playing as he passed through the crowd, both from the audience and from the fellow orchestra members. He got to an open space a bit away from the crowd. He could still hear the chatting from the orchestra, but they weren't all around him like they had been. A few people walked past him to get to the toilets, but most people were using the ones on the floor above.
Suddenly, he was pushed against the concrete wall behind him, hitting his head in the process.
"Ouch..." he mumbled breathlessly, as the air had been knocked out of him. He felt the weight of a large body pushing against his and alcohol breath on his face.
"Damn, have anyone told you how sexy you are in that suit?" Chris said in a threatning voice, having a large grin plastered on his face. Eddy looked up at the large man towering over him. Why was he here?
"Your playing was nice today", he murred softly into his ear, causing Eddy to turn his face as far away from him as he could. That only made Chris grab his face with his large rough hands.
"Hey, look at me when I'm talking, hot stuff." His voice was stern, and Eddy didn't dare to do anything but what he asked him to. He wanted to scream, but not a sound came out. Chris' strong fingers were squeezing his cheeks hard, and it hurt. Tears pressed from Eddy's frightened eyes, and in that moment he begged for someone to walk past, someone who could get him out of this.
"I think we didn't get to finish the last time we were together..." he commented while forcibly opening the top buttons of Eddy's shirt, causing the buttons to pop.
"Please stop", Eddy squeeked, unable to move as his face still was at the mercy of Chris' hand. His head was spinning, and everything felt unreal. He never should have wandered off on his own.
"I don't think I will", the taller man responded harshly through his teeth, before forcing their lips to meet and made Eddy taste the whiskey he had downed before the concert.

Denial - a Breddy fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora