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After Brett's breakdown, Eddy had decided it was best to leave the café as it was never possible to know when fans would approach them. This was not the time for fans, seeing how fragile Brett was now. He had eventually managed to stop crying after what felt to Eddy like the longest hug ever, but it was obvious to Eddy that this was hanging in a thin thread about to snap like a overly used violin string at any pressure.

They were walking home now, to Eddy's house for a change. It was closer, and Eddy felt he could better care for his friend there. He didn't understand what was going on with his older friend, but he knew that some care was badly needed. They were walking in silence, except from some tiny sobs from Brett every once in a while. Eddy had tried to respond to those by placing a hand assuringly on his shoulder, but that only seemed to make it worse, so he stopped. The sun was getting up now, and their slow walk home was witnessed by more and more people as the world woke up around them. It was obvious to anyone who passed them that Brett was not feeling great, but nobody said anything.

Eddy brought his friend inside his home and lead him to the couch. "I'll get us some tea, Brett. Are you gonna be alright?" Brett just nodded, sitting completely still on Eddy's couch. Eddy hesitantly went into the kitchen to make some tea for the both of them. Tea was their comfort drink, and it had been since they met all those years ago. Any time any of them had a bad day, the tea would get them talking and helping each other out. He got some water boiling, got some tea bags and got some tea ready. He knew how Brett liked his tea, and he knew just how to make it right for him. They were in many ways just like an old married couple.

He brought the tea back into his living room, where Brett was still sitting in the exact same position. Eddy sat the tea in front of him and placed himself in the comfy chair so they could look at each other. He wrapped his hands around his own cup of tea to keep them warm, but Brett didn't do anything.
"The tea is still very hot, so be careful not to burn yourself", Eddy said softly, but got no reply from the smaller man in front of him. It was as if he was frozen in time.
"Please Brett, say something." Still no reply, and Eddy felt his heart drop. What could possibly be so bad that Brett couldn't talk at all to him? 

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