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Brett eventually managed to calm Eddy, but couldn't get him to tell him what had happened. No reply when he asked if it was Chris again, not even a small nod. A tiny voice in the back of his head told him Eddy was actually cheating on him, but his anger showed that thought right back to hell where it belonged. Eddy would never do that. Never.

"Eddy, love, you don't have to tell me, alright? But... it would help me help you, yeah? Help me protect you..." He tried to sound like the voice of reason, even though all he wanted to do in that very moment was to turn Chris inside out. "Come on, let's get you back to the hotel and changed and everything, alright?" he continued before Eddy had a chance to reply. Eddy nodded lightly, letting Brett help him to his feet. Everything hurt, and he could sense something was up with Brett. It scared him to see Brett like this, he wanted the careful and loving Brett back. The Brett he had fallen for in the first place. The Brett who asked the barista to make little hearts in his coffee.

They got their violins packed and everything brought back to the hotel by some staff at the concert hall, who all were eager to help when they saw the state of Eddy. Eddy had insisted he was fine walking back, that they needed nothing. That he was fine. Nobody were convinced by this, but when Brett told everyone to just leave Eddy to him they didn't question it. The walk back felt like it took forever, and as they walked into the little concrete square in front of the hotel Brett caught sight of a too familiar face sporting the nastiest grin he had seen. It made him want to scream, puke and break something at the same time, and Eddy seemed like he just wanted to sink into the earth.
"It was nice seeing you again, hot stuff", Chris called out to them while making kissing noises to them. Brett caught himself thinking about what the hell kind of drug he was on, but he didn't really care about the answer. Less than a split second later, he let the arm he had firmly held around Eddy's waist until that point go and sternly marched over to the way larger man grinning teasingly like he had just won some kind of game.
"What's up little man, you angry I got some from your little whore?" he said, grinning wider, but less than a second later the crunch of his nose being squished into his stupid face was like music to Brett's ears. His hand hurt like hell, and he knew he'd get beaten up real bad in just a moment, but oh boy did that feel good.
"Do not. Ever. Touch. My. EDDY. AGAIN!" he crescendoed, almost literally fuming with anger as he watched the blood pour from the tall man's nose.
"Fucking shit!" Chris exclaimed, covering his face in pain before half blindly trying to swing his large arm towards Brett, but luckily he missed. The adrenaline was pumping through Brett's veins, and he felt absolutely invincable. It felt great to get that out if his system, to actually just punch his stupid little face. 

Fortunately for Brett, Chris was squirmish, and didn't try to fight more after that. Brett got lucky, but the tiny voice in the back of his mind was silently trying to tell him how bad of an idea that was. He didn't notice Eddy's scared eyes fastened on his back until he turned and met the horrified gaze.
"Shit, Eddy, I'm so sorry you had to see that..." he quickly said, almost half running over to him and pulling him into his arms. Adrenaline was still making him braver than he really was, and he even told the voice in his head off for even trying to open its mouth.
"I... I didn't know you could...?" Eddy stammered, still vaguely in shock from what he just had seen. Maybe he had underestimated Brett's abilities to protect him after all?
Brett shrugged, still feeling the effect of the adrenaline. "Well uh, me neither? But shit that was some kick" he said, almost enthusiastically. "Let's get you inside, yeah?" He didn't notice the swelling of his right ring finger as he grabbed Eddy's hand with the left.

//Hope this satisfies y'all's needs for hurting Chris, even though it might come back and bite their asses idk. I'm kind of running out of shit to do, so if anyone's got a good idea of something that can happen pls pm me. Or else I might just??? end this weird ass story??? cause it's literally going nowhere at this point like some kind of soap opera???
Also, I kind of feel bad for letting it turn this dark? Like that was not my intention w this one?? Sorry 'bout that//

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