158. (nsfw)

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//slightly nsfw//

"Hey", Mike said with a smile after Eddy opened the door, offering him a hug. Eddy took the offer.
"Hi Mike", Eddy said, letting the hug go with a small smile. "Come in, I'm sorry about the mess and all that."
Mike shrugged.
"It's not bad, you should see my place", he said with a laugh, taking off his shoes and placing them on Brett's spot on the shoe rack. "Besides, it's nice seeing you anyway. I don't care about the mess."

A blush crept over Eddy's cheeks, and he hid it by turning to guide Mike to the living room.
"It's nice seeing you too, Mike. I'm sorry I didn't call or anything", Eddy mumbled, sitting down in one end of the couch. Mike sat down next to him.
"Don't worry about it, Eddy", Mike said, flashing him a blinding smile. "I'm just here to make sure you feel better in any way I can."

Eddy looked down at his knee, seeing Mike's large hand being placed assuringly on it. His thumb carefully stroke the outside of his knee, and it immediately calmed Eddy down.
"Oh uh, I made coffee, if you want some?" Eddy said, licking his lower lip and turning to look at Mike. Mike smiled.
"I'd love some, thanks."

Eddy almost ran out to the kitchen, feeling his cheeks burning. He moved to grab some cups, noticing how shaky his hands were.
"You alright?" Mike asked from behind him, causing him to jump. Luckily, he didn't drop the cups. The one he had taken for himself was Brett's favourite, and god knows how Brett could react if he broke it.
"Yeah, sorry. Everything's just a bit much", Eddy admitted, turning to face Mike and suddenly realizing how close he was standing. He blushed.

Mike placed a hand gently on his shoulder, squeezing lightly on his neck muscle. It felt nice.
"Tell me about it", he said softly, but all Eddy could think about was how tall Mike really was. He even had to tilt his head back to look him properly in the eye. Was this how it was for Brett to look up at him?
"I uh... Was supposed to meet Beett today, but uh... He couldn't have people over, after all...", Eddy stuttered, eyes locked to Mike's. "He's in a... psych ward."

Mike's touch was interfering with Eddy's ability to think and form sentences, and he could feel his heart rate go up.
"I'm sorry to hear that, but he's getting the help he needs there, right?" Mike asked, leaning slightly, almost unnoticeably closer.
Eddy nodded, swallowing hard.
"Is he taking proper care of you, then?"
Eddy hesitated for a moment, feeling Mike move his hand to his cheek.
"I uh... He tries his best...", Eddy mumbled, feeling Mike's thumb run softly over his cheekbone. It felt wrong and nice at the same time.
"But is he taking proper care of you?" Mike asked again. "I don't doubt he's trying, but do you get the love you deserve?"

Eddy froze for a moment, shook Mike's hand off of him, and turned to pour coffee, trying to calm his burning cheeks.
"Brett's all I need. It's not his fault he's in there", Eddy mumbled, giving the poured cup to Mike before pouring one for himself.
"I know it's not, I'm just worried about you, Eddy."
Eddy leaned on the kitchen counter, taking a sip of his coffee.
"I know, I'm sorry", Eddy sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just a bit stressed out, I guess. I'm not used to going weeks at a time without seeing Brett."
"I completely understand. It must be frustrating", Mike said, sipping his coffee.

They sipped their coffee in silence for a while. Eddy couldn't help but notice how tight Mike's t-shirt clinged to his torso. He also made himself look away after noticing it. That was not okay.
"What are you looking at?", Mike asked with a teasing, white grin. Eddy blushed hard again and hid his face behind another sip of the coffee.
"Uh, just... Your t-shirt is nice", Eddy mumbled, staring into his cup.
"Oh, it's actually bamboo fiber. Feel it, it's super soft", Mike said, grabbing some of the fabric and holding it out towards Eddy. That of course caused the t-shirt to ride up slightly, revealing a strip of toned, tan skin on Mike's stomach.

Eddy hesitated, but reached out to touch it carefully.
"Y... Yeah, that is soft", Eddy mumbled, quickly swallowing the rest of the coffee in his cup and setting the cup on the counter.
"Very comfortable, and I'm told it makes hugs better too, but I wouldn't know."
Eddy nodded, trying his best to erase the image of Mike's tanned stomach.

It only went downhill from there. Eddy wasn't really sure how it had happened, they went from standing in the kitchen to laying on the couch to Mike's arm resting around him while watching a movie.
It was nothing, it meant nothing. Eddy would much rather it be Brett. Eddy wished it was Brett.

He wished even more it was Brett when Mike's hand was moved to his thigh, slightly too high up to just be a friendly touch.
"I... I don't think we should...", Eddy stuttered, trying to move Mike's large hand. Mike chuckled.
"Oh, sorry, didn't realize how high up it was", Mike said, flashing him a smile. Eddy blushed.
"Oh no, I mean, of course it wasn't... Uh..."

Eddy realized halfway through the sentence that Mike wasn't moving his hand away. Rather the opposite, actually.
"M... Mike...", Eddy stuttered, feeling his heart speeding up as adrenaline was released into his blood stream. "Please d... Don't..."
He inhaled shakily when Mike stroke his hand over the front of his trousers and he felt his body react to the unwanted touch.
"It'll make you feel better, trust me", Mike whispered in his ear, but Eddy shook his head.
"Don't, p... please..." he whispered. "Brett..."
"Brett doesn't need to know", Mike mumbled assuringly, still stroking Eddy through his trouser. "Wouldn't he want you to take care of yourself, hm?"

Eddy quickly stood up.
"You have to go", Eddy said, trying to sound like he wasn't terrified. "Now."
Mike stood up slowly.
"Don't be like that, Eddy. You know I only want what's best for you", Mike said, taking a step towards Eddy. "I want you to feel good."
"I don't want your help anymore. Please leave", Eddy said, fighting tears. Mike shrugged.
"Just call if you change your mind", he sa, winking at him before heading out.

As soon as the door was closed, Eddy ran out to lock it. He sank down with his back against it, finally letting his tears go.
"I'm such an idiot", he sobbed to himself, fishing out his phone from his pocket when he felt it vibrate. It was a text message. He opened it with shaky hands and cried harder when he saw what it said.

13:47 Brett: Hey, love! Sorry I took so long to respond. How's your day so far? ❤️

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