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//Had to really squeeze my brain for inspiration on this one guys! Hope you like it anyway//

They were still in the chairs half an hour after finishing their meals, still watching as the world outside the window gradually got darker. Eddy turned off the sound on his phone before opening his messages, as to not give Brett a clue he was texting someone. He typed in the number Victoria had given him and hesitated for a moment. What would he even write? It couldn't seem like he was hitting on her, because he most definitly wasn't, but he thought she would be a cool person to know. You know, as a friend? He glanced over at Brett. Why had he lied about the number being a reciept anyway? He could just tell him it was her number, it would have been no big deal. They're just friends anyway. Not even friends, just acquaintances really. He started typing.

I found my way, in case you worried! -Eddy :Me 19:22

19:23 Victoria: Good to hear! Really had me worried there ;)

Eddy stared at his screen for a few seconds before locking his phone and placing it in the pocket of the hoodie he was wearing. Brett turned his head to look at him, and Eddy expected him to say something- He was confused when he didn't.
"What?" Eddy asked, curious to why Brett was staring at him like that, laughing nervously. Why would he be so nervous, anyway? His mind wandered to the message he had sent Victoria. Was he staring because of that?
"Oh uh... you just... some sauce from the food..." He stood up and walked over to Eddy.
"May I?" he asked, waiting for permission sit down in Eddy's lap. Of course Eddy let him, and immediately Brett used his thumb to remove some sauce from the side of Eddy's mouth. 
"You're such a messy eater, you know that?" His voice was teasing and low, almost like a murr. Hadn't they already... done this? Just this morning? What was going on? Eddy wasn't complaining, oh no, just curious to what made Brett so interested in this.
"I just... save it for later, you know?" Eddy responded with a half joking smile. He snuck his arms around Brett, pulling him closer. 

Brett laughed softly at his response, pulling some of Eddy's still wet hair from his face, locking his eyes onto Eddy's. He had an intense need to just be with Eddy, enjoy the stable mood he was in and feel everything for once. Not like it had been in his very reduced mental state, where it felt like he was using Eddy just to confirm he was in a good mood. The only thing that really held Brett back at this very second was the fear he would take a turn for the worse afterwards, like he had the last time and the time before that.
He leaned in, almost touching his lips against Eddy's. Eddy's warm breath caressed his jaw, making him shiver slightly. It was nice sitting in his lap like this, being taller for once. To have Eddy reach up to him, not the other way around. It felt empowering.
"Bretty", Eddy whispered, his eyes half closed now, waiting for the kiss that seemed to take forever to come. "Don't be such a tease. Kiss me already."

But Brett just smiled, brushing his lips against Eddy's. "What? Are you not happy with my services?" Brett teased in the same way Eddy had just that morning, and Eddy responded with a groan. "That's just funny when I say it", he complained, letting his hands slide under the hoodie that Brett was wearing. His hands were cold, and he tried to warm them on Brett's stomach. He leaned down to Eddy, finally letting their lips touch. The spark between them in that moment was intense, and Brett couldn't help but to tangle his fingers into his lover's hair to hold him closer.

Then, he felt something vibrating. Or heard, was more correct. He pulled away, still flustered from the kiss. He looked around confused. Neither of them usually had their phones on silent?
"Sorry, it's probably mine", Eddy mumbled and pulled it out of his pocket just in time to see Victoria's name disappear from the screen. One missed call. Seconds later he recieved a text message.

19:42 Victoria: Hey, a friend of mine is hosting a party, and I was told to invite you! Call me if you're coming!

"Who was it?" Brett asked softly, pulling one hand out of Eddy's hair to straighten his glasses and letting the other one slide down to play with the soft hairs on his neck.
"Uh, one of the violinists in the orchestra", Eddy explained, measuring his words before speaking out loud. "Appearently a friend of hers is hosting a party, and we're invited."
Brett furrowed his eye brows. "A party? On a monday?" Eddy shrugged as a response.
"She's a student, so I guess it's not that weird?" he mumbled, thinking of a way to get Brett along with this. He didn't really think of Brett as a "party person". Brett nodded and leaned in to place a kiss on Eddy's jawline.
"So, are we going?" he asked, slightly excited, obviously having no clue about what awaited.

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