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Brett had quietly snuck out of bed, careful not to wake Eddy, and went out into town following the route his phone provided for him to the other side of the small park with the pond and to a small shopping centre. There wasn't much happening in his mind, really, as the draining of his emotions was still in effect, but he knew he needed to do this as soon as possible. He was just glad the voice had left him alone for once.

 After spending nearly an hour in there, he walked out of the relatively small shopping centre, finding himself in a tiny square between what seemed like the local library and the shopping centre. He sat down on a bench and watched the people around him. A group of kids were playing Pokémon Go, which made him think of Eddy, which in turn made him stick his hand in his pocket to touch the silky box in his pocket. He hoped he had chosen the right one, that Eddy would like it. The wind was cold, but the sun was almost peaking through the clouds now.

When Brett returned to the hotel, Eddy was practicing. Brett caught himself just standing around by the door and listen for a while until Eddy stopped and turned to look at him.
"Hey", he said softly, a small smile forming on his lips at the sight of Brett's rosy cheeks from being out in the wind. "Where've you been?"
Brett instinctively stuck his hand in his pocket to check that the silky little box was still there, but he had decided now was not the time. Instead he slowly started taking his jacket off and hung it in the wardrobe.
"Just... out for a walk. Fresh air and all", he replied, not really lying but not really telling the truth either. He had been walking outside, and he even took a longer route than nescessary to get back to the hotel simply because he felt like it.
"That's good then. Got a bit worried when I woke up and you weren't here", Eddy said while putting away his violin before walking over and giving Brett a hug. Brett gladly hugged back.
"You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine Eddy", Brett said, truthfully. He wasn't really able to feel fine or not fine with his state of mind, so saying he was fine was equally as true as saying he wasn't. He somewhat tilted towards fine, though, thoughts drifting over to the silky box in the pocket of his jacket.

Brett knew it was weird to think about proposing to Eddy when both of them were so emotionally unstable, but after their converstation last night he just wanted to formally let Eddy know he'd deal with anything for him.
The day had passed with the two of them mostly doing their own thing, Eddy mostly practicing or taking a break from practicing. Brett was mostly reading through some scores on his laptop, sometimes sneaking glances over at Eddy's concentrated face, feeling the butterflies rummage around in his stomach. He really thought they had worked through what happened last night, that things would be better moving forward.

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