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The two snapped out of their cuddling when Brett's alarm went off.
"Nooo", Eddy whined, pulling Brett's naked body closer.
"Gotta go to rehearsal, love", Brett sighed and leaned up to kiss Eddy's cheek. He would much rather like to just stay in bed and snuggle into Eddy's chest, but they had to go. Their last concert was tonight and then they could do whatever they wanted for a week.
"Shower with me, then?" Eddy pleaded, leaning down to touch Brett's lips with his as a way of persuading him. Brett smiled against Eddy's lips.
"Alright, but no messing around, we really have to go to rehearsal."

Eddy couldn't help but stare as the warm water ran down Brett's naked body, following every curve of every muscle, making him look almost ethereal, like some kind of water elf.
"I'm not one hundred percent sure, without my glasses and all, but I think you need to close your mouth", Brett joked, poking Eddy's arm lightly as he spoke. Eddy's felt a blush creep over his cheeks, realizing he had been caught staring.
"I can't help it, you're too beautiful", Eddy mumbled. He wrapped his arms around the smaller man, who tiptoed to kiss him quickly.
"We really gotta get ready for rehearsal", he said, trying to focus on Eddy's eyes. He reached to grab the nearest shampoo. "Here, let me soap in your hair."

Eddy almost fell asleep as Brett's careful fingers massaged his head, getting the vaguely scented shampoo probably into his hair. He just wanted to stay at the hotel woth Brett forever, but he knew he couldn't.
After Eddy had his shampoo all rinsed out, it was Brett's turn to feel Eddy's long fingers on his scalp. It felt nice, like a head massage.
"I love you so much", he mumbled, all sleepy from the shampooing and the constant white noise of the rain hitting the tiled bathroom floor.
Eddy smiled and let Brett rinse his hair out.
"I love you too."

Once they had dried off, they immediately got into their matching suits. Neither bothered to change before the concert. Brett was in front of the mirror, trying to get his tie to hang straight, but it seemed it just wouldn't. Something red caught his eye, and he turned slightly to see what it was. And angry red mark, soon fading to purple just below his ear.
Everyone's gonna see you had sex.
Brett frowned when the voice spoke. He did not need that right now.
"Yeah, and everyone's gonna see I belong to Eddy, so shut up", he answered the voice under his breath, causing Eddy to turn to him.
"Did you say something?" he asked as he attempted to make a nice knot on his own tie, but Brett shook his head.
"Nah, nothing. Let me help you with that, though", he said, taking a hold of Eddy's tie and making the same tie knot as he had on his own. Eddy looked down at his elegant hand as they loved.
"Thanks, love", he smiled, kissing his forehead. "Your knots always look better than mine."

They walked hand in hand to the concert hall, around the park, meeting Victoria on the way.
"Hey boys! Ohh you look so much better today, I'm glad you sorted it out." She gave them a quick hug each, noticing the now purple mark just below Brett's ear as she did so. She snickered.
"Your turn to borrow some makeup today, Brett?" she joked, playfully boxing his arm. He just grinned back.
"Nah, I'm good actually", he said, turning to Eddy, who looked redder than a tomato at this point knowing that it was obvious to anyone who knew them who made that mark. "If you think it's fine I don't cover it, of course."
Eddy shrugged. "Nah, I mean, it's fine by me, if you don't think it's too much, I mean..." Brett tiptoed up to kiss his cheek in an attempt to stop Eddy's rambling.
"I wear it proudly", he said with a wide smile, and Victoria laughed a bit.
"You guys are so cheesy", she snickered. "We have to go to rehearsal, lover boys."

Dress rehearsal went alright, except Eddy kept staring at Brett's little mark, feeling the butterflies in the bottom of his stomach from the memories it brought up. Brett of course noticed, and sent him a sly smirk, knowing what Eddy was thinking about.

The break before the concert was spent actually socializing with the orchestra for once, but Eddy had real problems keeping his hands to himself as the hung out in the concert hall's canteen neither of them knew excisted before now, even though this was where most of the musicians spent their break. Most had brought packed lunch, something the duo hadn't really even considered, but the canteen also had some kind of sandwiches they happily had.

They sat down at a table along with Victoria, and soon the table was filled up with various players who wanted to talk to the mysterious soloists neither of them really had a chance to talk to yet. Eddy's hand was resting on Brett's thigh under the table, possibly a bit higher than what would be appropriate if anyone saw. Brett was very aware, and worked hard not to let it affect him.
"So, you're the duo", a massive teddy bear of a guy said as he sat down on the chair just across from them. His smile was friendly, and his general vibe was that of a kind uncle. "Nice to meet you, I'm the tuba player", he said, holding out a hand that was way larger than either of their hands. Brett took it and shook it slightly.
"Nice to meet you, yes we're the duo", he said with a polite laugh. Eddy took the large man's hand as well, but didn't say much. His other hand was still resting heavily on Brett's thigh, and in the process of shaking the tubaist's hand, he 'accidentally' moved it higher up. Brett inhaled a bit heavier than he normally would, but quickly regained his posture. That was, on the surface at least.

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