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Several days passed, and Brett had successfully hiding his pills. He found himself answering the voice more, or maybe the stress of potentially getting caught made him more aware of doing it. The voice scolded him every time he did, reminding him what an idiot he is to talk back at it if he didn't want to get caught. It was right.

There was one thing that was bothering him, though. A side effect of stopping taking the pill, perhaps. Brett didn't know or understand why it was happening, but the voice was getting meaner.
It peaked on Tuesday during dinner, though. He had recieved a text message from Eddy asking if the visitation would be at ten tomorrow as usual, and he had started typing the reply when the voice spoke.

Tell him it's cancelled. You don't deserve to see him.

"Shut up", Brett replied, but his thumbs were just hovering over the screen of his phone now. He blinked a few times, trying to gather his thoughts about what to write.

He'll be better off staying away from you. He knows. That's why he's broken up with you and broken off your engagement.

"T... That's not true", Brett muttered hesitatingly to the voice, taking a spoon of the tomato soup they served for dinner that day. He could feel his hand tremble.

And there you go with that back-talking again. Didn't your mother teach you to be better than that?

Brett lowered his head, wincing at the sound of the voice. He wanted to apologize, but knew that the voice would only be angry if he did. Instead, he slowly took another spoonful of the tomato soup. He was still holding his phone in his hand, and he looked down at the half written message. His whole being wanted Eddy to come the following day, wanted Eddy to hug him and kiss away the doubt he was currently feeling.

If you love him, tell him to stay home. He deserves better than you, and you know it. Don't waste his time.

"I'm not..."

Do not fucking waste his time! He'd be better off if you died, but you're too cowardly to even finish yourself off. What a disappointment, a disgrace.

Brett winced again as the voice yelled at him. He felt tears pressing on as he put down the spoon and held his phone with both hands. He erased the original message and began typing a new one with shaky hands.

They just told me, there won't be visitation tomorrow 😔 :Me 15:03

15:05 Eddy: What? Can they even do that?

Appearently.. I'm sorry. :Me 15:06

15:06 Eddy: Don't be love, it's not your fault❤️

Brett put his phone face down on the table after reading the last message from Eddy and took some deep breaths to try and prevent himself from crying. Slowly and shakily, he took his spoon and had a spoonful of the tomato soup in front of him.

Finally. Well done.

Denial - a Breddy fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora