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The night arrived sooner than they expected, and Brett fell asleep holding Eddy securely in his arms. Neither of them had bothered getting dressed when they finished, so after a quick shower the two of them cuddled up in bed. Brett's light snores was not what kept Eddy awake, but rather the need arising from the back of his mind to scrub his skin. His plan hadn't worked. In his mind, Brett would make love with him and erase the bad feeling he had of Chris' hands on his body. The only problem with that plan was that he could still feel it. He could still feel the cold metal of the lamp post pushed hard against his back, the taste of Chris' beer breath, the scratch of Chris' nails down from his hip to his groin, how his legs were forced apart so he had better access to a place Eddy only wanted to share with one man, and that man was not Chris. He felt tainted, and unworthy of the pleasures Brett had given him just a short hour earlier. He felt unworthy of the man who had done everything he could imagine to prove that he still loved him. Every touch had been with so much passion, every kiss deeper than ever before. Brett was his safe place, but he didn't feel like he deserved him.

His phone lit up on the bed side table and he sneaked out of Brett's warm embrace to look at it. Brett grunted when he was moved, but was calmed down again when given a pillow to replace Eddy. He opened the notification on his phone.

23:42 Victoria: Hey, are you okay? Was worried about you today. Did something happen?

No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. :Me 23:44

23:45 Victoria: U sure? I feel like it had something to do w the party, and I feel bad about it possibly being my fault...

Seen at 23:46

Eddy didn't reply to that message.. It was nobody else's fault but his. He shouldn't have drunk at all, he knew how vunerable he was when he was drunk. He shouldn't have let Chris take him home. He should have stayed with Brett, his safe harbour.

23:49 Victoria: You still up for seeing Bryggen tomorrow, then?

Do you mind if I bring Brett? :Me 23:51

23:53 Victoria: No of course you can bring Brett! He'll love Bryggen as well! Meet up after rehearsal?

Sure, see ya then! :Me 23:55

Eddy sighed in relief as he put away his phone. He had panicked slightly just imagining going anywhere without Brett at the moment. He swapped the pillow he had given Brett for himself again, trying not to flinch when Brett's tight embrace embraced slightly too tightly around his bruised arm. A small voice in the back of his mind told him he deserved the pain, and Eddy agreed with it.

Denial - a Breddy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now