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The conversation with the doctor didn't make him feel better, but at least it didn't make him feel worse. He felt exhausted, and was almost dragging his feet through the doors of the main entrance.

The sight that met him outside was certainly not what he expected. Eddy was leaning on the card, waiting for him. In his hand was a bouquet of beautiful deep red roses, and his face lit up with a smile seeing Brett come out.

"Hey beautiful," Eddy said, meeting him on the way to the car and pulling him into a kiss. He held out the bouquet to him.

"Y... You got me flowers?" Brett stuttered, turning as red as the flowers. He carefully took the bouquet.

"Yeah, I thought they were pretty and wanted you to have them," Eddy said with a smile, sneaking his arm around his waist. "Thought I'd be a bit cliché. Hope you don't mind."

Brett tiptoed up to kiss his cheek.
"No, that's one of the million things I love about you." They got to the car and Eddy opened the door for him, again making him blush.
"God, you're so cliché," Brett joked, but sat in the car.

"What did the doctor say?" Eddy asked as he pulled onto the road. Brett shrugged.
"He uh... Said to consider if I want to either have a bigger dose of the meds I'm already on or if I want to add antidepressants as well," he mumbled, running a hand through his hair. "I think both options are stupid, but I guess I should consider it anyway."

Eddy nodded, running a hand through his hair.
"I guess that's up to you. Whatever would make you feel better, I'm on board with."

Brett looked down at his roses, resting in his lap, trying to formulate a sentence.
"I mean, I just don't want to be dependent on all these meds to function like a normal person. It's stupid, I just have to pull myself together."

"That's not how this works, Bretty. It's like saying someone with epilepsy should stop taking their meds and risk having a seizure that could kill them," Eddy said, still focused on the road. He hated hearing Brett talk like that.

Brett sighed and turned to look out the window.
"I wouldn't die from it," he mumbled leaning his head against the glass.
"Maybe not, but I don't want to risk it. You're too important to me," Eddy said, placing his hand on Brett's knee.

Eddy opened the door for him when they got home as well, and Brett entered quietly.
"You know I can... Open the door myself?" Brett mumbled while taking his shoes off. "You don't have to do anything extra, I love you anyway."

Eddy sighed and pulled him into a hug once both of them had gotten their shoes off.
"Bretty mine, I'm taking care of you because I love you. Not to make you love me."

Brett rested his head on Eddy's chest with a sigh.
"I know, I just... I fucked up a conversation with the receptionist today and it just... I feel like an idiot for not even being able to hold a regular conversation without fucking it up."

Eddy rubbed his back, slowly moving them to the living room to sit down on the couch, Brett in his lap.
"What did you talk about then?" Eddy asked, kissing the top of his head as Brett settled in his lap.

"I said the wrong name when she asked for my name, and she asked about the wedding. I tried to make a joke but appearently it was inappropriate and I probably ruined her day," Brett said quickly with a big sigh. "It's stupid to feel sad about it, I just..."

"What, you said the wrong name?" Eddy asked raising an eyebrow. "Did you call yourself Ling Ling or something?"

Brett's face turned red again, hiding his face in the crook of his neck.
"God, no, that would actually be hillarious though. No, just the wrong... wrong last name..."

Something clicked in Eddy mind and he couldn't help but smile.
"You called yourself Brett... Chen?" Eddy asked, running a hand through his hair carefully.

Brett turned even redder, but nodded quietly.
"I know it's weird, we haven't even talked about it, but I mean... It does sound kinda neat, right?"

Eddy just took his face between his hands and kissed him softly, smiling the whole time.
"You are so adorable, oh my god," Eddy whispered once they pulled away. "Do you want to take my name?"

"I mean, uh... I certainly wouldn't mind... I mean... But if you don't want that or..?" Brett stuttered, licking his lip nervously. "It's just a thought I had, but if you want the other way around or to not share last names or..."

Eddy shook his head, kissing him quickly again.
"I'd love to share last names with you. I don't care if it's mine or yours, but god Brett Chen does sound amazing."

Brett smiled a bit, cheeks still burning. He had almost forgotten the stupud conversation with the receptionist.
"That's decided, then? I'll... Take your last name?" he asked, reaching out to brush Eddy's bangs out of his face.

"Yes. I'd love that. I love you," Eddy said, pulling him into another hug before whispering in his ear followed by a giggle:
"My future husband, Brett Chen."

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