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Eddy didn't get out of bed the day after that either except for a trip to the bathroom and to get himself some water. It was just too simple to just stay in bed and scroll on his phone all day. Why get up when all you'd do is walk around by yourself and stare at the wall anyway?
He didn't even feel how hungry he was until he felt dizzy for a bathroom trip one day. His phone had told him this day was Saturday, one day before the next time he'd get to see Brett.

"You're coming tomorrow, right?" Brett asked. They had been discussing the wedding for hours, and it was nearing midnight. Eddy wasn't really sleepy, though, having slept all day.
"That's the plan", he said, trying to sound happier than he felt. It wasn't that he wasn't looking forward to seeing Brett, but more that it felt like he was constantly suffocating.
"I miss you", Brett sighed. "I can't wait until this is over."
"It'll be nice when you get back here. It's so boring at home without you."
"I can't wait to be able to hug you whenever again", Brett mumbled, running a hand through his hair.
"I can't wait to fall asleep holding you again. I miss that", Eddy admitted, grabbing the nearest pillow and hugging it. "I miss you a lot, I don't think you even know."

Brett furrowed his brows and sat up a bit.
"I miss you too, Eddy."
Eddy nodded quietly, swallowing his feelings. It wasn't the time to talk about it. Brett needed sleep.
"I know you do. When you get out, I'm  gonna hug you for like a week, okay?"
Brett couldn't help but smile at that comment, hiding his reddening face in Eddy's hoodie. He always wore that to bed. It felt safe.
"Okay. Sounds perfect to me."
Eddy smiled a bit at the reaction. He loved seeing Brett happy

"But Brett, should we sleep so we can actually be awake together tomorrow?" Eddy suggested, even though he knew he wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon himself.
Brett hid his face in the neckline of the hoodie as he yawned.
"I guess you're right. It's so hard to hang up when I've got you there you know."
"I know, but you need sleep, love. I'll be there tomorrow at ten sharp."
Brett giggled to himself.
"Make sure it's not ten flat, then."
"Sleep you doof", Eddy grinned, pulling the duvet tighter around himself. "Love you. Sweet dreams."

"I'm gonna dream about you", Brett said, moving to lie down instead of sitting up in bed.
"No dirty dreams then", Eddy joked, winking at him. Brett blushed but made a joking shocked face.
"I would never. I'm too pure and you know it."
Eddy wasn't convinced by Brett's put on innocent smile, but it made his stomach tickle in a way it hadn't done in a while. He loved just joking around with Brett, something they rarely did anymore.
"Alright, mr 'totally hasn't had dick up my ass', you gotta sleep now", Eddy grinned. "Night!"
"Good night! Love you!"
"Love you too."

Denial - a Breddy fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя