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Finally, the two boys sat down on the light rail with their violins and their suitcases. Eddy had calmed down quite a lot from the park situation, and was resting his head on Brett's shoulder while Brett rested his head against the window.
"I can't wait to get home, but I also don't want to go home", Eddy mumbled, closing his eyes as sleepiness hit him. It was too early to exist yet, and he'd already used up all his mental energy for the day.
"I get you", Brett replied, placing his arm around Eddy. "It'll suck to not be with you all the time anymore."
Eddy furrowed his brows. That was a part of going home he hadn't really thought about before Brett mentioned it. He had gotten so used to falling asleep next to Brett, he wasn't sure he'd be able to sleep without him.
"That will suck", Eddy sighed as the out of tune music played and the light rail pulled into Fantoft light rail stop.

A few moments later, Brett spotted a familiar girl get onto the same carriage as them. Her long wavy hair was in a high ponytail, and her violin case was unmistakable.
"Victoria?" Brett asked, and she turned around with a surprised smile.
"Brett? Eddy?" she asked surprised. "I thought you guys left yesterday?" She walked over to stand closer to them.
"No, no, the flight is at eleven", Brett said, moving his arm to let Eddy sit up. "Why on earth are you up so early, though?"
"On my way to meet a friend for breakfast", she said with a wide smile that revealed something more.
"Right, a friend", Eddy mumbled, trying to hide his laughing. He was still fighting to stay awake.
"Okay, okay, my new duet partner. I admit it", she laughed. "Gotta be careful about those, suddenly you're engaged to them."
Brett and Eddy looked at each other, both questioning who told her they actually got engaged, before Victoria broke the silence.
"Grandma told me. I'm glad you figured it out. Can I see the ring, though?"

A few of minutes and a lot of chatting later, Victoria got off the light rail, hugging both of them and making them promise to stay in touch before disappearing with the crowd. Eddy leaned back onto Brett again, to try and rest some the last few minutes before the stress of an airport would hit them. Brett placed his arm around him again, kissing the side of his head.
"I love you, Eddy", Brett said, smiling to himself.
"I love you too", Eddy mumbled, followed by a yawn. "But bow I want you to shut up so I can sleep for a bit. Wake me up when we get there, please love."
"Of course", Brett replied, kissing his head again and letting him sleep.

The out of tune music played again and the lady announced they were approaching Flesland, the airport. Brett started to gather their things, trying not to wake Eddy before they were actually there.
The light movement of his human pillow did wake Eddy up, though, and he yawned.
"We there?" he asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes. Brett jumped when he heard Eddy's voice.
"Arriving right now, actually", he said, giving him a peck on his lips. "Let's go."

Eddy was dragging his suitcase to the bag drop after they had checked in. He was so ready to get rid of it and just get going. Brett half ran behind his long-legged fiancé to keep up.
"Heyhey, not everyone has three meters long legs", he called out to him with a laugh. Eddy groaned.
"You'll have to wait for me to send the luggage anyway", he jokingly complained, but slowed down so Brett could catch up just as they reached the little conveyor belt. Eddy put his suitcase down and scanned the tag, watching it disappear into the machinery that was the luggage handling system of Bergen Airport. Then he took Brett's suitcase and did the same.
"Dude I could do that myself", Brett said with a small smile, actually liking Eddy taking care of him. Eddy shrugged.
"Or I could do it for you", he said before taking his hand and heading through the ticket scan.

Brett watched as the security officer asked Eddy to join a different queue to get the line to move quicker. Eddy did as requested, leaving Brett in the line they had been in. Nothing completely unusual, really. It haooened every once in a while.
Brett placed his violin case to send through the scanner and got one of the grey trays for the rest of his stuff.
He sent the tray through and was about to go through the scanner when the tiny, even tinier than Brett, middle aged lady who worked there stopped him.
"Sir, please take your glasses off as well", she said politely, finding another gray tray for him to send his glasses in. Hesitantly, he took his glasses off, blinked a few times before placing them in the gray blob that was the tray. He wasn't completely blind without his glasses, but was pretty much useless at seeing anything but vague shapes

"Step right through here, sir", Eddy was asked by a tall, muscular man. He was very surprised when the machine beeped. Instinctively, he checked his pockets for any lose change or maybe his keys. He had a habit of forgetting small stuff like a single coin, but this time they were empty.
"I think you may have forgotten your ring, sir", the security officer pointed out to him when he saw his confused look, and Eddy quickly realized his mistake.
"Oh, shit, sorry. Just got engaged, first time flying with it", Eddy said and reached to grab a tray for his ring. He carefully placed it in, and it was sent off into the scanner.
He stepped through the metal detector again, and this time it was quiet.
"All clear. Congrats on your engagement", the security guard said with a smile.
"Thank you", Eddy mumbled, blushing, before heading over to gather his stuff.

Meanwhile, Brett was realizing how little he could actually see without his glasses. Most importantly, he could not see his glasses.
"Shit", he mumbled to himself as several blobs that he assumed would be the trays passing through the machine started gathering in the pickup area. He had no idea which ones were his.
He tried to get the attention of an officer, but he couldn't really see which of the blurry people were officers anymore. Around him, people were grabbing their stuff and new trays came through the scanner. A mild panic hit Brett. How the fuck would he get his stuff? Eddy was in a different line, probably waiting for him.
"You need any help with that?" a familiar voice asked behind him, and he turned around quickly to a soft peck on his lips. It was Eddy.
"Thank god, do you see my glasses anywhere?" he asked, running a hand through his hair in relief.
Eddy reached into the tray right in front of Brett and handed him his glasses.
"Sometimes I forget how blind you actually are", he said followed by a snicker.
"Shut up", Brett mumbled, not really annoyed, while putting his glasses back on and started gathering his things. They had a flight to get to.

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