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Eddy had abandoned him. Or, not really, but it felt like it when the big lady who introduced herself as Dr. Kimberly Davies said Eddy had to wait in the waiting room.
She led him to an office that looked nothing like how Brett imagined a therapist's office with no bench to lie on or anything like that. Just some regular public building type chairs, a small table, a large desk and a sad plant.

"Please, have a seat, Brett. Would you like some coffee or tea?" she offered, but Brett just shook his head quietly, trying to make himself as small as humanly possible as he sat down on one of the chairs. The therapist went to sit in the other chair and smiled warmly at him.
"You can call me Kim, by the way, if you want", she said, and Brett just nodded again, avoiding to look at her. He just wanted to disappear, to melt into the chair he was sitting on or something.
"So, Brett, why don't you tell me something about yourself, just so I can get to know you a bit?" she suggested, sounding friendly. Brett just shrugged.
"Don't you already know from the papers we filled out?" he replied, trying not to sound rude but failing. Luckily, Dr. Kim seemed to not tske notice of his rudeness.
"Oh not those kind of things, I meant things like if there's something you like doing or what you do for work maybe?" she explained, taking a sip of the coffee she had made for herself earlier.
Brett shrugged again.
"I uh... Play the violin", Brett mumbled, still not looking at the therapist. "For work, I guess."
Dr Kim scribbled it down onto a little piece of paper on the table.
"Do you like doing that then?" she asked, looking up from the paper and tried to get Brett to look at her. Brett kept his eyes fixed on his hands.
"I guess", he said, rubbing his thumb over the hardened skin on his fingertips. She wrote that down as well.
"And the lovely man in the waiting room? Eddy, was it? Who is he to you?" she asked, still all smiles. Her smile widened even more when Brett tilted his head up to look at her for a second before moving his eyes back to his hands.
"He's... My fiancé", he mumbled, feeling like somebody punched him in the stomach as he said it. If this was all therapy had to offer, he wouldn't get better. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he never got better, but the thought snuck in anyway. Eddy would leave him and find someone who actually deserved his love. Someone he didn't have to slave around for.

Eddy tried to look calm and collected as he waited for Brett, but he noticed how much his hands were trembling when he got a coffee from the single coffee machine in the room. The screaming angry boy had been collected by a different doctor, much to the relief of Eddy's ears.
It soon became apparent that Eddy was nowhere near calm and collected when he spilled some of the coffee on himself just from having trembly hands, and someone who looked like a nurse or something came over to him with some paper towels. He looked like he was too young to be a doctor or a therapist at least.
"You alright there?" he asked, taking the styrofoam cup from Eddy and placing it gently on a small table with some magazines. "Are you here to see someone?"
Eddy shook his head and tried to dry off the coffee stain with the paper towels given to him with just as trembling hands as before.
"No, no, I'm waiting for my fiancé. He's seeing Dr. Davies", he explained with a sigh. "I finally talked him into seeing someone."
The nurse looking guy nodded and smiled warmly.
"Sounds like you're a good guy, and Dr. Davies is a great therapist. I'm Dr. Cole, by the way", he said, offering his hand and Eddy took it and shook it lightly. "Be more careful with your coffee in the future, yeah?" Dr. Cole said with a blidning white smile, taking the used paper towels and going to throw them away on his way back towards the offices. Eddy looked after him as the door towards the offices closed behind the tall, brown haired man.
"Good to hear dr. Davies is good", he mumbled to himself, reaching for the coffee and taking a sip.

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