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A week had passed, and Eddy was almost bouncing around the house, cleaning, as he had since five that morning. He was so ready to have Brett back full time, but the final few hours felt so long.

The plan was to get some nice takeaway for dinner, then possibly whatever Brett wanted to do before ending the day cuddled together on the couch with or without a movie. Eddy didn't care, he just wanted to be close to him, to hold him.

After what felt like forever he decided there was no point in waiting any more and instead get bubble tea on the way there that they could enjoy in the car on the way back.

He stopped his car at a parking lot near a bubble tea shop. He rab in and bought two of Brett's favorite, one for Brett and one for himself. Unless Brett wanted two, because he would give it to him without hesitation. Brett deserved that. He deserved the world, and if Eddy could help it he would have it.

As Eddy parked outside the psychiatric hospital, he was so ready to just run inside and hug him. He did run inside but was met with the smiling receptionist telling him he had to wait until ten. It was fifteen minutes to ten now.

Five minutes to ten, Brett's doctor came into the reception area and tapped Eddy lightly on the shoulder.
"Mr. Chen? You're here for Brett, right? Can we have a quick chat before running off with him?"


Brett paced back and forth, glancing up at the large clock on the wall every time he passed it. He was nervously picking on the sleeve of Eddy's hoodie that he was wearing. Ten. Where was he?

The worry built slowly, starting with the tiniest of thoughts. What if he didn't come?
No. They had spoken on the phone just that morning, and he had promised he'd be there. Of course he'd be there.
He berated himself for doubting Eddy. Of course he would be there. Maybe he was just stuck in traffic? Maybe he overslept?

Ten minutes past ten, Brett sat down, but remained ready to bounce up as soon as Eddy walked through the door. Any second now, his gorgeous fiancé would walk through that door with open arms and a wide smile. They'd hug and finally they would get to be together properly again.

At twenty minutes past, he felt the doubt return. He would call if he was late, wouldn't he? Maybe he had missed the call? Brett grabbed his phone and looked at it. Nothing. He looked back up at the large clock on the wall, slowly ticking its way to twenty-two minutes past now. He said he would come. He promised.

At thirty-two minutes past ten, he gave up. He kicked his shoes off and curled up on the uncomfortable couch in the common area where he had been told to wait. His bag rested heavily on the floor in front of him alongside his violin.

Eddy really wasn't coming, was he?

Denial - a Breddy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now