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It was his sixteenth birthday, and even though it would be celebrated with a party the following weekend, he and Eddy was going to get bubble tea to celebrate on his actual birthday.

"Hey sorry, my lesson kept dragging out", Eddy said, violin still on his back. "And mom wants me back by eleven, so we should get going."
Brett checked the time on his wrist watch and nodded. It would be a twenty minute walk there, and it was already half past nine.
"Let's go", Brett said with a smile, grabbing his backpack. "Can't wait to get bubble tea."
"Me too, bro, haven't had any in ages!" Eddy exclaimed, moving some of his way too long bangs from his face. "Thought the opportunity to have some would never come."
Brett laughed at that.
"Don't worry, I'll take you for your birthday so we'll be even."

They got to the bubble tea shop, and Eddy ordered for both of them, insisting he'd pay as a birthday present. Brett smiled and thanked him, quite surprised he'd do that for him.
After they got a bubble tea each, they started their walk to find a bench or something to sit down and enjoy their tea.
"Hey, can you hold this for a sec? Just gotta tie my laces", Eddy asked, holding out the bubble tea.
"Sure", Brett said, reaching out for it.

Brett stared in shock as the cup slipped out of his hand. He stared at the spilled liquid now running across the ground, the surprised look on Eddy's face, and the droplets on the white of Eddy's converse.

He's gonna hate you know.

He had never heard his inner voice speak to him like that. This was definitely different, and as Eddy picked up the cup and went to throw it away in a nearby trashcan, Brett felt like crying. He fought it, though.
"Dude, I'm so sorry", Brett exclaimed, hands shaking. At this rate he might just drop his own bubble tea as well.

You ruined what could have been a nice time.

"It's fine, Brett. It was an accident..?" Eddy said, sounding like he didn't understand Brett's reaction.
"I am really really sorry, I'll get you a new one. I... Sorry", Brett said, taking a deep breath.
"Dude, it's alright", Eddy said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Chill, I'll get a new one."
"I'm sorry."

When Brett got home that evening he was still a bit shaky. He didn't understand what had just happened, and decided to talk to the one person who seemed to have the answers to everything about it.
"Is it normal to have a voice in your head to tell you off when you do stupid stuff?" he asked his mother the following morning.
The conversation that followed was what taught him that this was not normal, and that he was to not tell anyone about it.

"It feels like forever, but I guess I was sixteen when I heard it for the first time", he informed the doctor, who scribbled it down.
"That's a long time without seeking help for it, Brett", the doctor pointed out to him.
"I know", he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I guess I thought I'd fix it myself."

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