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Resting his head against Brett's chest, Eddy felt like everything would be okay. They had changed the sheets, showered together and now they were just enjoying each other's presence. It felt normal, felt safe.

"You're the best thing that has happened to me, Eddy," Brett mumbled almost dreamily, running his hand through Eddy's still moist hair. Eddy smiled a bit to himself, loving the feeling of Brett's gentle fingertips.

"You're the best thing that has happened to me, too, Bretty. I honestly can't believe how lucky I am," Eddy mumbled, looking down at the ring resting around his finger. It glimmered faintly in the light from the reading lamp by the bed. He had cleaned it just the day before.

"I guess it's fate," Brett replied, leaning down to kiss the top of his head gently. Eddy turned slightly to look up at him. That wasn't what he expected to hear at all.

"I mean, yeah, definitely. We're probably like soulmates or something," Eddy added, pressing a kiss onto Brett's chin before laying back down on his chest. Brett combed his hand through his hair again.

"I don't know how I deserved you as my soulmate, but I'm eternally grateful for it anyway," Brett mumbled, wrapping his other arm tighter around Eddy. "And thanks for being so patient with me, thanks for being my soulmate."

"Of course, love. In sickness and health and all that," Eddy said, feeling Brett smile against the top of his head. It gave him that same warm feeling that he had felt the first time they cuddled together as a proper couple.

Eddy reached over and pulled the duvet around them, trying to suppress a yawn by hiding his face in Brett's chest.
"You sleepy, love?" Brett asked softly, running his fingers through the hairs in the back of Eddy's neck. Eddy got goosebumps down his spine.

"Yeah," he mumbled, resting his forehead against Brett's neck. He was already half asleep, exhausted from the good lovemaking from earlier.

Eddy tilted his head up slightly and kissed Brett gently on the lips.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" he asked, struggling to keep his eyes open.

Brett's perfect little scene came to a halt in is head as he thought about the question Eddy had just asked him. He wanted to say that of course he would be, maybe even laugh a bit at such a silly question. It wasn't a silly question, though, and that's what stung his heart.

"I will. Promise," Brett whispered, fearing his voice would betray him if he spoke out loud. He kissed the top of his head. "Every day from now on."

"That's the dream. Don't pressure yourself, though," Eddy mumbled, shifting slightly. "I don't want sleeping with me to be a guilt thing."

Brett moved his hand to gently caress his cheek, seeing his eyes close heavily.
"It won't be. I would give the world to spend the night with you like this forever."

"... love you," Eddy mumbled, as his eyes shut and his breathing evened out. Brett kissed his forehead.

"Love you too, sweetie. More than anything."

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