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The smoke detector had a tiny red light on it. The tiny red light would blink, and Brett had discovered it would blink approximately ten times a minute. There was also a B flat coming from the airconditioning system. He had discovered that apart from the bathroom, the best place to practice was right by the window acoustic wise. He had played through their repertoir a few times, and had even tried out the first violin orchestra part. It was actually quite hard, giving him new respect for the players who had learned this just for the two of them to shine in front of them.

He had just put down his violin when his phone lit up. Up until now he had been absolutely fine, a bit more lazy than he normally was for the time of day probably. A bit bored, maybe, but he knew he could just go find Eddy whenever he wanted if it got too bad. He had looked up Bryggen on google maps, and it was just a short walk from the hotel. Maybe five minutes. The notification on his phone was a twitter notification. TwoSet was mentioned in a tweet, nothing unusual really. He opened his phone without going to twitter, not really feeling like responding to tweets.
He scrolled through LingLing40hrs for a while before yet another notification ticked in. Instagram this time. They had been mentioned again, but this was still very normal. Usually he didn't even notice notifications like that on his phone, but they seemed very noticable today. Maybe he was just bored, and that's what made them interesting?
He contonued scrolling down LingLing40hrs before deciding to check out new posts on the subreddit. The imagination of some of their fans really impressed Brett, and he wanted a laugh now. Maybe he'd go find Eddy after, even?

The first few posts were pretty good. A few memes, someone posting their ticket to the concert, an old picture of Brett... And then, there was a picture of Eddy. "Eddy has a girlfriend?" the title said. He was wearing the same clothes he had put on that morning in the picture, his hair still ruffled from when they had... been intimate... He didn't seem to know the picture was being taken, which struck Brett as odd. Victoria was in the picture too, but she was a bit blurry. Probably moving. Was this someone stalking the two of them? Should Brett be worried?
Wait... were they... holding hands? Brett couldn't really believe his eyes as he zoomed in on the picture on his phone and straightned his glasses. They were, weren't they? His heart sunk down to his stomach. No no, there had to be another explanation. Maybe Eddy had been scared, and she was comforting him in his place? In that case, he should be thankful for her taking care of him, right? That had to be the explanation... Right? Eddy wouldn't betray him like that, right?
Once a liar, always a liar, right?

Brett didn't want to believe it. He simply refused. This wouldn't have happened if he had come with him. He wanted to see Eddy. Now. He called him up, and got through to him after a few rings.
"Hey Bretty, what's up?" Eddy asked with that angelic voice of his when he picked up. Brett didn't hear any extra sounds coming through the phone other than his voice. Was he indoors?
"Hey... was just wondering if we could... uh... meet up? Got a bit... uh... boring... staying around in the hotel..." He didn't want to accuse Eddy of anything, but he needed to see him. To ask about it. To be assured it was nothing, that they hadn't done anything else.
"Of course! We're at this bar inside one of the wooden buildings on Bryggen... you know where it is?" A bar? That explains the indoor-feel to the sound.
"Yeah, I'll come to you then. See you soon!" Brett tried to sound normal, but the picture had etched itself onto Brett's brain. Eddy wouldn't do that to him, right?
"See ya." He hung up and dragged himself off the bed and put on shoes. He really hoped his gut feeling was wrong. He pulled out his phone to look at the other notifications, the tweet and the instagram post. He opened the tweet.
"Lucky girl!" the text said, followed by the same picture. The picture made Brett question himself. They weren't really exclusive, so he couldn't really confront Eddy even if they were a thing, right? They had never mentioned each other as boyf... He couldn't even say it. Just the word made his stomach flip with excitement. Imagine if they were?
He'd choose her over you anyway. You're lucky he'd even touch you in the first place.
Brett sighed and put his phone in the pocket of his trousers without having noticed the username at the top of the tweet. He headed out and went in the vague direction he had seen Bryggen being at on google maps earlier.

Denial - a Breddy fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon