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Waiting for midnight to come around was worse than waiting for a concert to start. At least that's how Eddy felt. More than once he had paced around the room, much to Brett's frustration.
"Come on, it'll be fine. Come relax with me", Brett sighed from his seated position in bed, holding his arms out towards Eddy.
"Will it, though?", Eddy mumbled as he crawled back into the bed and into Brett's embrace, still feeling stressed. "They don't even know I've ever liked a boy before."
Brett sighed and kissed Eddy's cheek softly.
"I mean, your parents seem to like me, I guess? That'll be an advantage?" It sounded like a question when it really was meant as a statement. Eddy bit his lip.
"I hope so. Would suck to be disowned."
"They wouldn't, you're their son and they love you."
Eddy turned slightly to rest his head on Brett's shoulder, his nose touching his neck softly.
"Hope so."

They stayed like that for a while, Brett not really sure how else to comfort Eddy. In a way, he felt bad for putting Eddy in that position at all. If only he hadn't fallen for him in the first place, Eddy wouldn't have to feel nervous now. The voice in the back of his head was trying to lure its way up from the back of his mind, but he shut it down. Eddy wouldn't have said yes if he didn't want this as well. He just wouldn't.

"Aren't you nervous about telling your parents, Brett?" Eddy asked after a while, eyes closed. "Or is it just me who's overreacting?"
Brett thought about it for a second, stalling for time by running a hand through Eddy's soft hair.
"Hm, I guess I'm a bit nervous. It would be nice to have their blessing, but I don't need it, you know?" he shifted slightly. "But I don't think I would get disowned over this. They must have seen it coming."
Eddy nodded at his answer, tightening his grip around Brett's waist.
"How obvious was your crush again?" Eddy asked teasingly with a short laugh. Brett stuck his tongue out at him.
"Not obvious enough for you to notice for a very long time, at least", he replied, leaning down to kiss Eddy's head again.

"I'm not sure I wanna tell them yet", Eddy mumbled quietly. "I think it would be better to tell them in person." Brett tilted his head down to kiss the top of his head.
"I mean, it's up to you", he mumbled, shifting slightly to avoid getting backpains.
"I know, I'm just trying to find excuses because I'm nervous", Eddy sighed.
"It's okay to be nervous. You should have known how fricking nervous I was earlier when I saw you with the ring." Brett laughed a bit, and Eddy looked up at him.
"You really thought I'd say no, didn't you?" he asked, turning slightly so he'd be able to face Brett easier.
"I thought you'd think it was too soon, yeah", Brett replied, feeling his cheeks warm up slightly. "But it turned out alright." Eddy nodded.
"Yeah, except you're still insane for getting such an expensive ring." He lifted his hand to look at it, the gold of the ring glimmering in the dimmed lights of the hotel room.
"I was more worried it might not fit you, honestly. Seems I made a good guess, though."
Eddy tried to suppress a laugh at something he thought, using his ringed hand to cover his mouth.
"What?" Brett asked, unable to not smile at how adoreable Eddy was.
"Nono, nothing nothing", he snorted, turning his head away from Brett to try and hide how hillarious he found his thought.
"Dude, tell me, what's so funny?" Brett asked, laughing at how red Eddy's face became from the laughing.
"I just..." he snickered, hiding his face in his hand. "You should know how wide my finger is, you know." His wide grin accompanied with the occasional giggle made Brett furrow his brows.
"What, how am I supposed to knoe that?" he asked, immediately met by Eddy curling up laughing in his lap. After a few seconds of Eddy trying to calm himself, he looked back up at Brett. He worked hard not to just burst out laughing again.
"Because.." he began, snickering at his own thoughts again. "You've had my finger up your..."
Brett was absolutely certain his cheeks would catch on fire any minute after learning what Eddy was laughing about.
"Oh my god, Eddy, you need to get your brain washed I swear to god", he groaned, hiding his red face in his hands. Eddy lost it laughing.
"Come on, that was hillarious", Eddy wheezed, wiping a few tears forming in the corner of his eye from laughing so hard. Brett couldn't help but smile at Eddy's laughing.
"I guess from that logic, you know my ring size too, then, for when we pick out or wedding rings." Eddy quickly sat up, looking like he was thinking about it, before crawling to sit on his knees next to Brett.
"I'm not sure... It's been a while, I think I might need to measure that again", he said cheekily, locking his eyes onto Brett's.
"So we're gonna do that before we call our parents, hm?" Brett asked with a grin, not because he didn't want it. Eddy leaned in to kiss him.
"Hmm it might help my nerves..." he breathed into Brett's mouth as Brett placed his hands on Eddy's hips.
"Alright then, if you think it'll help. Anything for you", Brett laughed, sneaking his hands under Eddy's shirt.

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