95. (nsfw)

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//nsfw, which seems to be a common occurrence now huh//

The large man had so much to say, and while Brett was able to answer politely to the questions he had, Eddy was getting more daring. His hand was only centimeters from touching a place that should only be touched in private, and Brett was really struggling now.
"I think I want to go through a few parts of the pieces, if you don't mind", Eddy suddenly said with the most innocent voice Brett had ever heard while standing up. "Will you join me, Brett?" Eddy placed a hand on Brett's shoulder, awaiting a reply. He knew the reply, though.

A few moments later, they were walking towards their wardrobe again through one of the many empty corridors in Grieghallen.
"You know, that was really mean", Brett said, taking a hold of Eddy's hand. Eddy just grinned innocently.
"I have no idea what you're talking about", he said, trying to sound like he was telling the truth, but ended up overdoing it. He tried to suppress a laugh, failing miserably.

Just as they rounded a corner, Brett had waited long enough and pulled Eddy with him behind one of the large round concrete pillars and kissed him passionately. Eddy couldn't help but smile against Brett's lips as the smaller man pushed him gently against the concrete.
"I thought we just did this..." Eddy teased in a moment's break from the intense kiss. Brett scoffed at Eddy's playful tone.
"Yeah, that was fine until you couldn't keep your hands to yourself", Brett said before attacking Eddy's neck with kisses, careful not to leave a mark. The taller boy exhaled heavily.
"What can I say?" he mumbled through heavy breathing. "It was just so tempting."
Brett's hand slid down Eddy's chest, down his stomach. He could feel Eddy tense up mire the further down his hand travelled, and he couldn't help the vengeful smile forming on his lips.

Moments later, steps from around the corner could be heard, and Brett pushed them into the small corner behind the pillar so they would be hidden from anyone walking past. He made a sign for Eddy to be quiet and got a quick nod as a response. What Brett didn't do, though, was to move his hand from it's position around Eddy's belt.
The steps moved closer, and Eddy could feel the adrenaline pumping. He made eye contact with Brett, but immediately realized the situation he was in. Ohhhh shit.
Brett's hand slid painfully slowly further down, and Eddy had to place a jand firmly over his mouth to keep himself from making a noise. He could feel his knees shaking, and just as the steps moved past the pillar Brett stroked so insanely lightly over the front of Eddy's dress trousers. A tiny choked and muffled moan escaped Eddy's lips as he tried to keep himself from pushing his hips against Brett's hand. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit", Eddy repeated over and over in his head, both from pleasure and from the stress of possibly getting caught.
Luckily, the steps continued moving past until they heard the door at the end of the corridor open and close.
"Shit Brett", Eddy exclaimed once he was certain they were alone again, and Brett just grinned at him.
"Let's head to the wardrobe, yeah?"

Denial - a Breddy fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن