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The room he was given wasn't too bad. A single wooden bed with white sheets, a shelf to keep some stuff and what looked like an uncomfortable comfy chair. He sat down on the bed, and sighed. His day had since arriving at the mental hospital, or psychiatric ward as they wanted him to call it, had consisted of talking to a lot of people about how he was and some information. In general it was all exhausting, and he was quite happy when a girl who worked there as an assistant showed him his room and told him they'd wake him for breakfast at nine the following morning.

He took out his phone and stared at it for a moment before kicking off his shoes and pulling his feet into the bed. He found Eddy's contact and pressed call, putting it on speakerphone so he could look at the contact picture of him while they were talking.
"Mm hi", he heard after a while from a obviously tired Eddy in the other end.
"S... Sorry, did I wake you?" Brett asked, biting his lip gently.

He's probably going to hate you for waking him up.

"I mean, I can call tomorrow. I'm sorry, I should have checked the time...", Brett began, and heard Eddy sigh in the other end, which only made him panic more.
"I told you to call, Brett. I'm glad you called, I missed you", Eddy said assuringly, but a single tear still escaped Brett's eye. He pulled the covers tighter around himself.
"I miss you too", he sniffled, wiping his tear. "I'm sorry I didn't call before, they just wouldn't stop asking questions."

"How's your room?", Eddy asked sleepily, obviously changing the topic to avoid Brett digging himself into a hole. Brett could hear him shift positions in bed after asking the question.
"White", he responded with a tiny smile. "Too white. Even the stupid chair is white."
He heard Eddy laugh quietly to himself through the phone.
"I take it we're not doing a whole lot of white at the wedding, then?" Eddy said, voice still sounding hoarse. Brett couldn't help but smile at that comment, and ran a hand through his hair.
"Unless you're hoping to wear a white dress...", he said with a quick giggle.
"Nah nuh-uh. Couldn't wear white anyway, not innocent enough", Eddy laughed hoarsely, and Brett could hear him shift again. Brett snorted.
"I know you're not. I guess that rules me out as well", he said, shrugging to himself and smiling. "But are we gonna wear matching suits, then, or?"
"I mean, that's a very sure way to be sure we kinda match", Eddy pointed out followed by a tiny cough. "Have you thought about colours?"
Brett noticed the little cough, but didn't mention it.
"For the suits? Maybe gray?" he suggested, smiling to himself at the thought of Eddy in a light gray suit. He wouldn't definitely look gorgeous in that.
"Gray sounds good. I like gray", Eddy said, sounding like he was picturing it, but another cough interrupted the moment.

"Are you getting sick?" Brett asked, getting concerned. "You should have some tea or something."
"I'm fine, just a bit of a sore throat", Eddy mumbled, shifting in bed again. "Don't worry about it, I'm gonna be fine."
Brett sighed.
"Just take care of yourself, please", Brett said quietly. "I'm sorry I'm not there to make you tea."
Eddy sighed in the other end, causing another cough fit.
"Dude, stop apologizing. It's just a cold. I've lived through a cold before."
"But I've always made tea for you when you've been sick", Brett pointed out, possibly a bit louder than necessary. Eddy laughed a bit.
"Dude, see if you can fix some tea on Wednesday then, if it makes you feel better", Eddy said, his smile audible.
"Dude you're staying in bed on Wednesday if you're still sick, making sure to get enough food and sleep", Brett said, almost sternly, and got a bit when the response from Eddy was a hoarse laugh.
"Yes moooom", Eddy said, snickering. "Dude don't worry, I'll probably be fine by Wednesday."
"Okay, just take care of yourself until I'm back to take care of you", Brett said, sighing. "You're very important you know."
"You're very important too. Are you taking care of yourself, Brett?"

Brett ran his hand through his hair, thinking about the few bites of the food he had for dinner.
"I'm trying", he admitted, sighing. "I really am, Eddy."
Brett could hear Eddy clear his throat away from the phone before responding.
"I know you are, Brett. You should sleep, though. It's getting late. Are yoy getting up early tomorrow?"
Brett looked at the time, surprised to see it was past midnight already. Where had all the time gone?
"At nine. You're right, I should sleep. You should too, though."
"I will, but I think I'll have a hot shower first just to heat up a bit", Eddy said, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "I'll try not to think too much about you while showering."
Brett blushed, but tried to play it as a joke with a groan.
"Dude this is why neither of us can wear white at the wedding", he said, laughing a bit. "Go have a shower and I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Okay love, sleep tight then. Try not to think too much about me before falling asleep."
"Oh shut up", Brett groaned, but followed it up by giggling. "Good night, Eddy."
"Good night. Love you."
"Love you too."

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