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Brett was on his way to Eddy's house. It was a bit early, but if Eddy wanted to meet him it would be important, right? He felt nervous, not being able to decide where to put his hands. His jacket pockets? His jeans pockets? Outside his pockets? He tried all alternatives, but none felt right. He tried to convince himself that it wasn't anything bad Eddy wanted, but he wasn't able to believe it.

He got to Eddy's house ten minutes early, and did one knock on the door before trying the door handle to let himself in. Locked. Where was he? Had he not gone home after he left Brett's place?
He felt a raindrop hit his cheek and instinctivly looked up. A large grey cloud was heading his way. Shit, Eddy, where are you?

And the rain was as bad as the grey cloud had promised. And Eddy hadn't shown up yet. It was still two minutes left until they had agreed to meet, but Brett was already soaked. He had tried to press himself under the small roof above Eddy's front door, but it didn't help much. He checkes the time on his now rain wet phone. 10:00. Come on Eddy! He was getting sick over here!

Then he saw Eddy. He was just as soaked as himself, if not even more. "Eddy!" Brett called out, and the younger boy tilted his gaze from the ground to face him. His eyes were all red and puffy from wiping away tears, and Brett followed his instinct to run over and hug him. Sure, that meant becoming more soaked, but he didn't care. Their roles had been reversed.

Denial - a Breddy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now