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//Hey, I thought I'd add some pictures from the places they are visiting when I find suitable pictures. Does that add to your feeling of the story? Is it lame? Let me know pls!//

Brett curled up as close to Eddy as he could, hoping Eddy's touch would take away all the bad thoughts and all the negative emotions. He took a deep breath, drawing in as much of Eddy's scent as he could, hoping it would have an effect. Eddy's fingers slowly running through his hair, tickling him in the process, his slow breathing, calming presence. Nothing made any difference. Brett was still shaking vaguely, he still felt like breathing was difficult and he was scared Eddy would find out what the voice had told him at the pond. He'd have him admitted to mental hospital, for sure. That was serious, and it scared him that it had escalated to this.
He closed his eyes, hoping to maybe sleep the bad mood away, but as soon as he closed his eyes the voice attacked.
He'll leave you if you fall asleep.
He threw his eyes open when the voice spoke, and his breathing accelerated along with his heart rate.
"Bretty?" Eddy asked, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "What's going on?" His voice was calm, but worried, and it caused Brett's tears to start rolling down his cheek just like they had in the park. The taller boy patiently wiped away the tears with his thumb as they fell.
"Talk to me, please", he begged, holding Brett tighter. "Please."
Brett sobbed into Eddy's chest, his voice weak as he spoke. "Please don't leave me, Eddy. I'm sorry I messed up today."

Brett's voice broke Eddy's heart. It felt like most of the problems Brett had was caused by his presence, or worries about something Eddy might do. He worried he had caused Brett's problems with the lie. This had all started after they had been together, after Eddy had lied.
"I'm not going to leave you Brett, not unless you want me to." Eddy spoke softly, tried to help his boyf... his friend feel better. He wasn't too sure it would work.
"What makes you think I'd leave you? We've had worse days than this." He pulled some hair away that was falling into Brett's eyes, and Brett sighed heavily.

"It's... it's just... the voice?" he mumbled, feeling stupid. The stupid voice, making him look like an idiot in front of Eddy. He cursed at the voice in his head, but of course it didn't care. It seemed immune to any attacks from Brett, but still it was tearing the usually confident man down piece by piece. He didn't recognize himself at all. He reached up to wipe the remains of his tears himself with the sleeve of the sweater he was wearing. Eddy's sweater.

They just lied there in silence, Brett's mind calming down after speaking out loud about the voice being the cause of the day's distress. The silence was broken by Eddy's stomach growling loudly. He laughed slightly at it.
"Sorry, I'm getting hungry", he said while stroking Brett's hair, and Brett just nodded. "Aren't you?" There was a pause before Brett responded by shaking his head. Eddy sighed.
"We should get some food even if you aren't hungry though, it's been a while since our last meal." He didn't get any reply, but Brett let himself slide down onto the bed next to Eddy instead of being half on top of Eddy.
"Y... you can... get yourself food... if you want", he said, his voice shaking. Eddy groaned mentally. How could he leave him when it was obvious he was needed there? His stomach growled at him again. He was really so hungry it almost hurt, but he didn't really want to leave Brett alone in this state. 
"I can bring some food back here for us? You don't have to eat it if you're still not hungry when I come back, but I just want you to have the option." He kissed Brett's forehead, and sat up. Brett just nodded and let Eddy go, even though he didn't want to let go ever. Eddy got out of bed and put on his still wet sneakers. For a second, he hoped the rain had stopped, but then he heard the raindrops hitting the window, blowing all hope he had.
"Anything in particular you want, or should I just get something?" he asked, but Brett just shrugged. Eddy grabbed the umbrella provided by the hotel for the stay.
"Alright, I'll be back as soon as possible. If you need me, just call, okay?"
And then Eddy went out the door, leaving Brett to stare at the smoke detector in the ceiling.

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