197. (nsfw)

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//a tiny bit nsfw//

The day was long staring at the walls in their home and Brett realized he hadn't been home alone this long since before Eddy moved in. He hadn't been left alone for this long at all since he was in the ward.

The thought made him shiver. He had made it for almost twelve hours now. It would only be a few hours, and Eddy would stumble through the door like he had the night before. Nothing to worry about.

He looked at his phone for the millionth time, and bit his lip when he saw it was barely midnight. Maybe he should try and sleep? Eddy would manage to handle himself when he got home, right?

The thought wasn't even finished when there came a light knock on the door. Brett tensed up. Why would anyone be at the door at this hour, anyway?

He slowly stood up and went out to the front door, and jumped when there was another knock. Slowly, he opened the door.

At first he didn't see anything. That was until he saw Eddy sitting next to the door, giggling as well as Jordon hiding around the corner of tjeir house.

"Jesus, you scared me, Eddy," Brett groaned and helped the unsteady mess he called his fiancé to his feet. "Aren't you home a bit early?"

"I missed you, Bretty, I wanna come home now," Eddy said, trying to wrap his arms around Brett's waist to pull him in for a kiss. His breath smelled like jägerbombs as their lips met.

Brett waved to Jordon as he headed off and dragged Eddy inside, closing the door behind him.
"You missed me while having your bachelor party? Jordon didn't give you enough distractions, eh?" Brett joked and kissed Eddy quickly again before helping him get his shoes off.

"They had the strippers, Bretty, but do you wanna know who works as a stripper?" Eddy giggled as Brett grabbed his hand and pulled him through the quiet house.

"Who does?" Brett asked absentmindedly as he let Eddy's hand go and went to grab him a glass of water.

"Mike does!" Eddy snorted and Brett almost dropped the glass. He slowly turned to Eddy.

"Mike was there?" he asked, considering Eddy's mood. Just the fact that he was there made him worried, let alone the fact that Eddy likely had been drunk and Mike likely had been half naked already.

"Yeaah, and you should have seen how long his face was seeing me thete! It was so funny, and then he left because he's a coward," Eddy giggled, and Brett relaxed again.

"So nothing bad happened?" he asked as he handed the glass to Eddy.

"Only that I missed you so much," Eddy said with an innocent grin before taking a large gulp of water. "It was a boring party without you there being hot for me."

This time it was Brett's turn to laugh.
"Me, hot for you, huh? Funny," Brett said, running a hand through his hair. "Have you seen yourself right now? Do you have any idea how gorgeous you make yourself when you make an effort? Like you are already hot, but then..."

Brett was interrupted by Eddy's lips against his own and a clumsy hand running through his hair.
"Have me then, I'd love that," Eddy giggled against Brett's lips, and Brett wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Are you in any state to consent, though?" Brett mumbled, still so close to Eddy he could almost taste that last jägerbomb. "You sure you want that now?"

Brett could feel Eddy slowly push him against the kitchen counter, and his lips on his neck probably making an unhidable mark. He prayed it would fade for the wedding. No need to let their entire family know what they were up to in private.

"When would I not want to be naughty with my future husband?" Eddy breathed against Brett's ear, causing the smaller man to shiver. "If I got to choose, our honeymoon would be at least twice as long so I could enjoy more of you."

"What, you don't think two weeks in Japan and two weeks at Berit's cabin in Norway will be enough?" Brett laughed and snuck his hands around him to rest hid hands in Eddy's back pockets.

"It's sooo romantic with the cabin in the mountains, though," Eddy purred in his ear. "And appearently there's gonna be snow."

"You gonna have me in the snow?" Brett teased, feeling Eddy rub slightly against him. It felt nice.

"Definitely there too," Eddy grinned before kissing him quickly and clumsily grabbing his hand. "But right now I wanna have you on our bed."

Denial - a Breddy fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora