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Eddy had noticed the glances Chris had sent him all evening, interpreting them as friendly looks of concern as they often corresponded with whenever Brett also was looking. Had they been talking about him? He didn't know, and he didn't bother to ask. He'd just ask Brett when they got back to the hotel. Brett had told him to slow down his drinking several times, but everything was just so GREAT. Why slow down when you could have all the fun in one night, right?

He wasn't really that disappointed when he leaned onto Chris to get his shoes back on. Sure, going home with Brett would be fantastic as he felt convinced he'd be able to seduce Brett right now, but he had promised to come home soon. He'd just fix himself up a bit and be ready for when he returned.
He almost fell over like seven times before actually getting somewhere with getting his shoes on, and walking without supporting himself onto Chris or someone else was impossible. They said their goodbyes to the party, stepped out in the chilly air outside and somehow managed to get the more than unsteady Eddy onto the light rail and placed next to Chris in a seat. He felt the impossibly large man place an arm firmly around his waist, and he giggled drunkenly.
"Are you flirting with me or what?" he had joked, and Chris had laughed quietly to himself, tightening the grip slightly.
"Maybe I am?" he had grunted, and Eddy thought he joked, and laughed. His drunk mind didn't notice that Chris didn't laugh.

The light rail had almost put Eddy to sleep when he was woken up by Chris at the last stop.
"Come on, sunshine, time to go" he had said, a bit sternly and pulled Eddy up from the seat by the arm. The light rail cart was mostly empty, and so was the park surrounding the end stop of the light rail as well.
"Waaiiit relax Chrissss..." Eddy giggled drunkenly, getting dizzy when he was stood up so quickly. He didn't notice how hard Chris held his arm until they were well into the park. Was this even the right way back to the hotel? He wasn't really sure where he was, but he recognized the large pavillion they had passed on their way to rehearsal earlier.
"Chris... ouch... where.... where going?" Eddy mumbled, suddenly regretting taking the last shot he had been offered just a few minutes before they left. The tall man didn't reply and just dragged him on, towards a large bush of some kind.

He was propped forcibly up against some kind of light post partly hidden between the leaves of the bush, still with Chris' hard grip on his upper left arm. It was dark, as the light post didn't seem to be working. This was the time when Eddy noticed how few people were around, a fact that had slipped his drunken mind up until this point.
"Just be quiet, and it'll be over quickly" Chris grunted at him before forcing his tongue into Eddy's mouth. Eddy's eyes widened in shock, his heart was beating fast, and he tried to push the larger man off of him. He couldn't. The alcohol made him weak and clumsy, and he was no match to the threatning man towering over him. He felt tears were welling up in his eyes as panic set in. "Please", he pleaded, but to no avail. This couldn't be happening.

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