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The night had been nice. Really nice. Today was concert day with a dress rehearsal later that day and the concert in the evening. Eddy felt so much more ready today than he had the last few days. He felt more confident, and his arm didn't hurt nearly as much anymore. His bruises was fading along with his worry that Chris would hurt him again. Sure, he had filmed his conversation with Victoria, but he hadn't seen him since. Besides, him filming them turned into something good as they would go public as a couple as soon as they could get around to make that video. He could call Brett his boyfriend! Just thinking the words "boyfriend" and "Brett" in the same sentence gave him butterflies.
Brett was not feeling great this morning. He was definitly not used to the amount of alcohol he had consumed the evening before, and the nausea and the headache were awful. Eddy had gotten him some water and offered to get something to eat for the two of them, which Brett was grateful for.
Eddy had gone out with a mission. Something simple would be great, and after some searching he found a sandwich shop in a mall not too far from the hotel. He ever recognized a familiar word on their menu: "Toast". He loved to have toast while hangover, so he betted on the fact that Brett did too and got them a toast each, and appearently there was soft drinks with the toasts. He didn't complain, even though he found soft drinks to be a bit weird with something like toast.

Meanwhile Brett was still in the hotel room. He was feeling awful both physically and mentally, really. Sure, last night had been absolutely amazing. He had never felt that good ever, really. His brain didn't agree on the fact that he had deserved such an amazing night, though. It had decided the nausea was well deserved after that.
He was lying in bed, waiting for Eddy to return. All he wanted was for Eddy to distract him from himself. He needed to be okay today for the concert. He did not want to disappoint Eddy.
You're nowhere near as good as he is, so good luck with that.
He sighed when the voice in his head spoke. He knew he wasn't as good as Eddy, and probably never would be either. Eddy disagreed with him, though. He had mentioned it to him once, that he wish he were as good as him, but Eddy had just laughed at him. "You need to get a grip, Yang, you're way above me in skill level. But you're cheating, because you've had one extra year to practice", he had said. This was before they were a thing, while Brett was still trying to hide his crush. Or well, he didn't really know it was a crush yet then, but still.

Eddy unlocked the room door and stepped in. The smell of the toast filled the air, causing Brett to gag. The nausea was really bad, and freshly melted cheese wasn't ideal.
"I uh... brought some toast?" Eddy said, suddenly unsure of how good an idea it had been. He too was wary of smells around him when he felt nauseous.
"Thank you, it's probably good", Brett forced himself to say, swallowing once as a response to the nausea. Eddy took off his jacket and stuck it on a clothes hanger in the closet by the door. 
"How are you feeling, love?" Eddy asked and walked over to the pale boy on the bed. "Any better, or only worse?" He checked the glass of water he had given him that was now put on the bedside table, but it seemed almost as full as it had been when he filled it from the tap earlier. 
"I'd say about the same, physically", Brett said, thinking about how his brain had started to act up again. That mean voice...
"You should try to get some water down, you're probably dehydrated", Eddy said with concern, not taking note of the 'physically' part of Brett's response. Brett nodded.
He doesn't care what's going on in your brain.
He reached out to grab the glass of water while taking a mental note of the voice's input.

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