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Time moved quickly, and soon there were only a few weeks left before the big day. Most of the wedding was already in place, and the only thing remaining was the specifications on the looks of the cake.

Eddy had called several months ago and he had informed the bakery of their wish for oreo cake, which they had confirmed they of course would do. Today, they were picking out the looks of the cake and to confirm the taste.

"You ready to go soon, sweetie?" Eddy asked when Brett appeared in the kitchen where he was enjoying his morning coffee. Brett kissed the top of his head as he passed him on his way to the coffee pot.

"Yeah, yeah," Brett mumbled absentmindedly as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "Do you have my pill?"

Eddy nodded.
"It's here," he said, pointing to the single pill in it's aluminium wrapping by Brett's spot on the table. "You okay, though? You don't sound too excited."

Brett sat down with his coffee cup and a glass of water and grabbed the pill and started fiddling with it to get it out of the wrapping.
"I don't know, just a bad feeling. It's probably nothing."

He finally got the pill out of the wrapping and placed it in his mouth before getting it down with the water. The uneasy feeling had been bothering him for a few days, and he didn't really know what it was. He wrote it off as his depression acting up again and made an extra effort to get back to normal.

"You sure, love?" Eddy asked, reaching over the table to rest his hand on top of Brett's. Brett nodded and flashed him a smile.

"Yeah, I'm working on it. I don't know what's causing it, and nothing else feels off, though." He lifted his cup to his lips and took the tiniest sip, getting just a taste of the still too hot coffee. "I promise to tell you if it gets worse or I figure it out, but it just feels like something bad is about to happen or something? You know, like in horror movies when the music intensifies?"

Eddy nodded.
"Nothing's bad is gonna happen, though. We're just ordering cake today," he pointed out, sipping his own coffee.


"Damn this place is as ancient as I remember from when I was a kid," Brett commented, running a hand through his hair. He looked around the dark room, seeing the same pink flowery wallpaper that had been there when he was a kid and the dark brown panels and matching furniture. Even the glass counter was the same as he remembered. A sweet little place, really.

"So, which one of you is mr Chen?" a smiling middle aged man in an apron asked as he walked around the counter. A few old ladies who sat in the corner started whispering when he showed up, and now all three of them were staring at the scene.

"That's me," Eddy said with a polite smile. "And soon this guy will be too. This is my fiancé, Brett Yang."

The middle aged man stopped dead in his tracks, his smile fading rapidly as he processed what he just had been told. The old ladies in the corner looked like they were about to choke in their cinnamon buns and carrot cakes.

"You two... two men... are marrying? Each other?" the apron clad guy asked through gritted teeth, causing Brett to grab Eddy's arm and force him to take a step back towards the door with him. "You should have told me over the phone. We don't bake for fags here."

Eddy stared at the man who had just uttered something he certainly did not expect. This was a man who had seemed like a nice guy over the phone, who he had told about their date with the oreo cake. It hurt the most that he hadn't even thought to ask about it, or to mention they were a same sex couple.

"Did you fags not hear me? We don't serve perves, okay? Get out of my bakery!" The man took a threatning step towards them, and Brett pulled on Eddy's arm to signal that they should just go.

"But... but you can't do that..?" Eddy stuttered, getting all choked up as he spoke. The old ladies in the corner whispered among themselves, but none of them spoke up. Brett pulled harder on his arm, forcing Eddy to walk with him.

"Get out right now or I'll have you arrested for trespassing!" the baker threatned, and finally Brett got Eddy moving.

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