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Eddy felt awful for leaving Brett. As soon as the door was closed, all he wanted was to run back in there and hug his pain away. He felt guilty. Wasn't it kind of his fault Brett was feeling the way he was?

The rain was still pouring, and he soon realized the umbrella would do no good as the rain was more horizontal than vertical due to the wind. He looked around and realized he had no clue where he was going. He looked around the square, his back to the entrance of the mcdonalds lying next to the hotel. In front of him was some kind of kiosk, but apart from that he didn't find very interesting. It wasn't easy to see much anyway because of the rain and the wind. Maybe they'd have to do fast food today? Eddy didn't particularily like fast food.

"Eddy?" a familiar voice to his right said, and he turned to see who it was. The hood of a bright yellow rain coat revealed a smiling girl. "Are you feeling better?"
Victoria's question took Eddy by surprise, but he quickly regained his posture and put on his polite smile.
"Oh yeah, I'm just out to get some food for us. Brett fell asleep, so I thought I'd just do it." He switched his umbrella to his other hand. "You don't happen to know of any good take away places, do you?"
Victoria's smile was the brightest Eddy had seen in a while, and it was contagious. A small break from the gloom in the hotel room, just getting food.
"Of course! There's this great place for Italian, just up the street here." She pointed in a direction, but Eddy didn't really pay much attention to that. He saw her rubber boots matching her rain coat, and was fascinated by the fact she had bothered to match up her rain attire. "I can take you, if you want?" Eddy noticed she still had her violin case, so it wasn't unlikely she just came from the rehearsal.
"Oh, sure, if you don't mind?" he answered, a bit flustered. She was sweet, and very friendly. Sure, she was a fan, and the rule said don't go with fans, but she wasn't like the crazy ones. He didn't worry he'd be kidnapped or anything if he went with her. He was larger than her anyway, so good luck with that kidnapping.
"No worries at all, let's go!"

The walk was short, and the restaurant was cozy. Eddy had ordered some pasta dishes for Brett and himself, and Victoria had decided to get an Italian pizza to go. While they waited for the food, they sat down at a table sporting a red and white checkered table cloth. Eddy thought it was such a cliché, but Victoria had pointed out it was part of the feel of the place. He had agreed. Eddy thought she seemed way more confident now, than she had seemed in the concert hall. He hoped it was because he had made her feel welcome.

"Have you been to Bryggen yet?" she asked him, snapping him out of his thoughts andmaking friendly small talk like there were no troubles in the world. It fascinated Eddy how she switched to pronounce the name of the place in Norwegian, just like that. Sure, her English had a slight accent, but she seemed to be pretty fluent. And the switch? He wasn't sure he'd be able to do it that quickly in Chinese even.
"Bryggen?" He tried to mimic her pronounciation, but failed miserably. "What's that place?" She laughed kindly at his pronounciation attempt, but didn't comment it. He blushed slightly.
"You know, just the most well known place in all of Bergen?" Her laughter was contagious, just like her smile, and Eddy laughed with her. His mind had completely wandered off Brett now. It was just so easy to smile with Victoria.
"I should probably go there, then", he said sheepishly, pulling some of his still wet bangs out of his face. "As a proper tourist, I mean."
Victoria had placed her violin next to her in the seat of the booth she was sitting in, and now she leaned her arm lightly on the case. She had opened her rain coat, not to "die from heat", as she had put it, and the slight slit between the ends of her coat revealed she was wearing the same green dress as earlier.
"I can take you, if you'd like. I mean, you don't really know me, but it could be nice." Her eyes met Eddy's, and he smiled a toothy smile at her.
"Sure, we can go sometime. How about wednesday?" he suggested, not hearing his order being called by the chef behind the take away counter.
"Sounds good to me!" she exclaimed, taking out a small planner from the left pocket of her rain coat. "After rehearsal?" Eddy nodded, taking only a mental note of it himself, while watching her write it down in her calendar. 
"Now get your food, or both of you will probably starve! Or worse, being forced to eat cold food!" She pointed towards the take away counter and Eddy bounced off his seat. He had to get back to Brett, he was probably waiting.
"Oh, thanks!" He grabbed his food from the counter and stopped by their table again before heading out.
"Do you want me to wait with you for your pizza, or..?" She shook her head, still with a smile. That contagious smile.
"No! Cold food remember? You can figure out the way back, I'm sure!"
Eddy nodded and laughed.
"We'll see! Maybe I get lost?" She laughed while scribbling something down on a page of her planner. She tore the page out and gave it to him.
"Call me then, I'll help you find your way back", she said while winking at him. The wink seemed only to be half joking. Eddy blushed and took the small piece of paper and placed it in his wallet.
"I guess I'll see you Wednesday then!" he half stuttered and gave her a small wave as he went out the door.

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