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Brett had been pleasantly surprised when Eddy had asked him to go out with him for a drink. He had been looking forward to drunken giggles with Eddy, supporting each other on the way home afterwards, drunken flirting...

That was until Mike showed up. Brett had seen Mike before, in the corridor outside Dr. Kim's office.
Appearently, he was working there too. Apparently he had been chatting some with Eddy while he was having his sessions with Kim. Appearently enough to have an interesting chat Brett didn't really understand anything of, causing Brett to sit quietly with his drink watching his fiancé laughing with some tall, handsome and appearently really funny guy.

Of course he'd rather talk to Mike. He's a smart guy, a doctor, he's handsome, he's funny. Everything you're not.
Brett really tried to push the voice aside, but it didn't really work. He knew the voice was right.

His drink became empty quicker than he expected, and he let out a small sigh as he stood uo and put on a kind smile and sweet voice.
"I'm getting another drink, you guys want any?" he asked, smiling at them. Eddy looked up at him.
"You know, another one of these wouldn't be too bad actually", he said, smiling back at Brett quickly before turning his attention back to Mike.
"Nothing for me, thanks", Mike said gently, placing a hand on Brett's arm as he walked past. Brett shrugged him off.

"I'll be right back", he mumbled, heading over to the bar with heavy steps. There wasn't a lot of people at the bar and the bartender took his order right away.
"I can come over with them, it's not so busy", she said, flashing him a polite smile. Brett shrugged.
"I actually kinda want to take a break from that for a sec, so if you don't mind me taking them myself..."
"No worries. You alright?" she asked kindly as she mixed up Eddy's drink. "You've been looking down all evening."
Brett sighed, and leaned his head on his hand.
"I don't know, it's probably nothing and I'm overreacting like I always do, but I guess I'm just jealous of Mike."
The bartender looked up from pouring some vodka.
"You mean that guy flirting with the other asian guy over there?" she asked, nodding in their direction. Brett flinched at the word "flirting" and sighed heavily.
"Yeah. That 'other asian guy over there' is actually my fiancé, so I guess you can see why I'm feeling a bit down."
The bartender started on Brett's drink with a thoughtful look on her face.
"Well, I guess it's quite an asshole move of your fiancé to allow that", she said, concentrating for a second on the amount of vodka she was pouring into Brett's drink. "You should talk about that."
Brett sighed.
"I trust Eddy. He probably doesn't even realize what's happening. He's always had someone after him, anyway. I mean, look at him."
The bartender did as Brett said and looked back at Brett again.
"Don't know man, I think he should take a closer look at what he has before he throws it away on some hottie obviously only after sex."
She placed the drinks on the bar in front of Brett with a smile.
"Anyway, enjoy your drinks. Hope you work this out. Don't let them walk all over you."

With that, Brett walked back to the table with both drinks and set one down on the table in front of Eddy who threw him a quick smile before resuming the conversation with Mike. Brett tried to figure out what they were talking about, but he kept spacing out thinking about what the bartender had said.
"I'm just gonna head to the men's room for a sec, please have mw excused", Mike said, pulling Brett out of his thoughts, flashing Eddy a smile that caused him to blush and Brett to want to puke before heading off.

"Mike's a nice guy, don't you think?" Eddy asked, taking Brett's hand resting on the table.
"Sure", Brett mumbled quietly, taking a large gulp of his drink. Even when Mike wasn't there it had to be about Mike. Stupid Mike.
"Brett, are you okay? You seem off", Eddy asked concerned, stroking the back of his hand with his thumb. He was surprised when Brett pulled back his hand.
"Very okay, I love watching my fiancé flirting with a guy that's very obviously much better than me", Brett spat through gritted teeth, keeping his eyes trained on his drink. "You sure you don't want me to leave so you can be alone with him?"
Eddy's jaw dropped to the floor at the accusation that was thrown at him, and the confusion was clear in his eyes.
"What? I'm not flirting with Mike!" he insisted, hurt that Brett would even suggest that. Brett laughed bitterly.
"Sure, and I was born yesterday. I have eyes, Eddy! I've been literally right here all evening, but I guess you forgot I even existed right? It's all about Mike Mike Mike." He took another gulp of his drink, setting the glass hard back on the table.
"You're seriously out of it with jealousy now, Brett", Eddy said through gritted teeth, trying not to let his annoyance with Brett's stupid accusation affect the way he spoke.

Brett quickly threw back his drink as Mike returned.
"You know what? Screw this, I'm going home. Have fun with Mike", Brett spat and got up. "Sorry to disturb your fucking date."
And then he grabbed his jacket and walked off, leaving a confused Mike and a shocked Eddt behind in the bar.

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