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The next time Brett opened his eyes, he was in a very white room with a mask over his face and a needle in his hand. He groaned in frustration, realizing what must have happened, and immediately noticed some movement to his right.
"Brett?" Eddy asked carefully with a hoarse voice, sounding like he had been crying. He stood up and went over to Brett, taking the hand without a needle in it between his. "How are you feeling?"

Brett shook his head softly, and closed his eyes again.
"Why are you here?" he asked, only getting out a small whisper. It wasn't accusatory, more like he didn't understand. Eddy stroke his hand gently.
"Because I love you, Brett, that's why", Eddy replied, moving some of the hair that was falling in his eyes from his forehead.
Brett sighed.
"I'm sorry about what happened", he whispered, looking up at Eddy who was rather blurry due to Brett's lack of glasses.
"No, I'm sorry Brett. I shouldn't have talked to Mike at all, no matter how innocently. I'm sorry I pushed you to this."
Brett shook his head again.
"No Eddy, of course you should be able to have friends. It was stupid. I'm sorry", Brett sighed and rubbed Eddy's hand with his thumb. "I'll try not to do that again, but I'm obviously crazy, so I guess I shouldn't promise anything."
Eddy leaned down and kissed his forehead gently.
"You're not crazy", he mumbled, stroking his hair. "Don't say that."
"Sure cause trying to drink yourself to death and hearing voices doesn't count as being crazy", Brett said followed by a short, hoarse laugh. "Let's just call it what it is."

Eddy sighed and moved to pull his chair closer to Brett's bed to sit next to him, still holding Brett's hand.
"Do you have my glasses somewhere?", Brett asked after a while, trying to focus on Eddy.
"Yeah", he said, reaching to the little table next to Brett's bed and found his glasses. He gently placed them on his face, careful not to interfer with the oxygen mask on his face. Brett blinked a few times and looked up at Eddy.

"Dude you look like you haven't slept in weeks", he mumbled, lifting his hand up to touch Eddy's cheek. "Are you okay?"
Eddy shrugged.
"It's a few days I guess, but I'm fine", he said as if it was nothing. "Don't worry about it."
Brett reached over and slapped his arm weakly.
"Get some sleep, idiot. I've just been lying here anyway."
Eddy scoffed.
"I'll say that to you after almost dying on you and see how you feel", he said bitterly, rubbing his eyes.

It got quiet for a while as Brett processed what Eddy had just said. He furrowed his brows.
"Dying? I wasn't drunk enough to die, was I?"
Eddy looked down at their hands, sighing.
"Yeah no, you almost choked on your own vomit in the ambulance."
Brett nodded weakly.
"How long have I been here?" he asked, not really imagining it could be that long. He'd only had alcohol after all.
"Like three days?" Eddy said, sounding like he wasn't sure. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table and lit it up to see the date. "Yeah , three days", he confirmed, putting back his phone.
"Fucking hell", Brett sighed. "I'm sorry, Eddy. I really am."

A few moments later, a nurse knocled gently on the door before letting herself in. She was a smiling, middle aged lady who looked like someone's aunt.
"Oh my, you've finally woken up! So nice to see. How are you feeling, dear?" she asked while checking the IV and the oxygen. Then she paused and looked down at him.
"I'm fine", he said, feeling annoyed but sounding polite. He did not want someone's aunt peeking into his business. He was fine. "When can I go home?"
She looked uncomfortable for a moment but kept up her smile. Brett turned to look at Eddy, who also looked just as uncomfortable. It was the nurse who broke the strange silence.
"Someone will come see you within the next hour, and they'll know, okay sweets?" she said with a smile, and Brett watched as Eddy shifted uncomfortably.
"Just ring if there's anything you need, alright?" the nurse said as she whisked out the door. Brett furrowed his brows and turned his attention to Eddy again.

"So, what was that?" he asked, and Eddy cleared his throat, obviously looking uncomfortable. Brett squeezed his hand gently.
"Dude, tell me! Is anything wrong? Am I still dying or something?" Brett asked, becoming more nervous now. Eddy's eyes widened.
"Oh, no no! It's nothing like that, don't worry about it", he said, stroking Brett's hair again and leaning down to kiss his forehead. "It's really nothing to worry about. Don't worry about it, okay?"
Brett groaned in frustration.
"Eddy Chen, tell me what's going on" he demanded, sounding more stern now, despite his hoarse voice behind the oxygen mask. Eddy cleared his throat and looked like he wanted to sink through the floor. This had to be bad.
"Please promise not to be mad", he half whispered, not daring to look at Brett.

Denial - a Breddy fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora