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They had finished their drinks, Eddy being slightly lightheaded by suddenly dipping into the heavier alcohols. Victoria had gone earlier to catch the light rail to get to her place, and now they were walking back to the hotel together. Victoria had promised not to tell anyone what was going on between them. What was even going on between them? The sun was setting as they passed the fish market, and Eddy spotted the bench Victoria had pointed out to him earlier.
"Wanna sit for a bit?" Eddy suggested, seeing the sun setting in the distance. The light outside was bright orange, and he trusted Victoria on it being a nice spot for a nice view.
"Uh, sure, if you want", Brett answered and went with him to the bench. There weren't a lot of people out now, which Eddy appreciated.

They sat down, and Eddy felt the strong urge to take Brett's hand. He didn't though, especially as he felt the uncertainty of Brett's movements. He could tell he was thinking of something he was not saying.
"Bretty? What's wrong?" he asked, hand moving slightly closer to Brett's resting on the bench.
"Nothing, nothing's wrong", Brett lied, and Eddy sighed. He could tell, of course. Like he always could.
"You know I can tell you're not being truthful, Brett. Is it something I have done?" Brett didn't really know what to reply. Surely he must have seen the pictures too, by now?
"Have you... checked your phone... within the last hours?" Brett asked him, trying to focus on the ships far up the harbour. He couldn't look at Eddy in that moment. As if on cue, Eddy took out his phone. The notifications were still there, as he hadn't looked at them. He opened the first one, the twitter one and was met with a picture of himself and Victoria holding hands. He also noticed the username, which Brett had not seen.
"B...Brett... is... is that?" he stuttered, eyes widening in fear. His look moved from the phone, to Brett and back to the phone.
"Yeah, it's a picture of you and Victoria, alright. I just... I didn't know what to think and all..." Brett replied, not realizing what Eddy had spotted.
"Brett! See who's posted it! It can't be!" He pointed at the username, and Brett looked at it on Eddy's phone. He felt a stab of guilt in his stomach. He should really have been there.
"ChristheSaxy... it must be him, right?" Eddy's voice went up a fifth, feeling the panic set in. He had been close enough for him to take that photo, close enough to... to...
"Shh, Eddy, I'm here alright?" Brett said, taking a hold of Eddy's hand. He didn't care what other people thought there and then, he needed Eddy to calm down. "Eddy, look at me, look at me..."
Eddy's hands were shaking, his breathing accelerated into a semi hyperventilating and he felt tears pressing on.
"H... he... he could have... Brett... he..." he stuttered out, looking around at the few people around them, looking for Chris. Hoping he wasn't there, but he just didn't feel safe without checking.
"But he didn't, Eddy, and I'm here now. Don't worry, okay?" Eddy's phone played the notification sound again, and he opened it.

The video playing on twitter was of himself and Victoria, at the bar. Replaying the scene where she asked about the hickeys from somewhere behind Victoria. Both watched in silence, watching as Brett entered the frame from the other entrance, beer in hand.
"What's not official yet?" Brett said on the video, and both of them realized they had been found out. They knew there were tons of fans who were not stupid and who would know what they were talking about, even though they didn't say it explicitly. They also could see that the video had been seen many times already. The comments below reading "Breddy confirmed" or "just make it official already!". 
"He was there!" Eddy said loudly. "He is following us! Brett! We're never safe!" Eddy shot up and looked around. He couldn't see anyone but the middle aged Chinese lady selling fish at the Norwegian Fish Market. Brett took his hand and pulled him back on the bench.
"Hey, Eddy, it's alright." It wasn't alright though. He felt exposed and he didn't really feel safe in the location they were at. He was just keeping calm for Eddy's sake.
"Let's go to the hotel, okay?"

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