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The flights had gone smoothly except a bit of running in between flights, they had fetched their luggage and was finally standing outside Brett's house. Eddy had insisted he could walk home from Brett's house, but neither of them moved from outside Brett's front door.
"So... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Eddy said, feeling a bit unsure. It felt weird to go home, to not join Brett inside and cuddle up with him. He did need to wash his clothes and stuff, though, and they would see each other tomorrow anyway.
"Yeah, for dinner as usual, right?" Brett asked, licking his lower lip. He didn't really want Eddy to go home yet, but he knew logically it would be easier that way.
"Of course", Eddy replied with a smile, reaching out to take Brett's hand. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Text me when you get home, so I know you made it home safe, yeah?" Brett requested, looking up into Eddy's eyes. The taller boy laughed a bit.
"I've walked home, the same route, every day for years. You've never asked me to text you when I get home before", he laughed before kissing him softly. "But I will. Love you."
"Love you too", Brett replied as Eddy let his hand go and turned to head home.

Brett watched until Eddy was out of view before dragging his suitcase inside his house and kicking his shoes off. He set his violin down and dragged his feet over to the couch and laid down, face down. He felt absolutely exhausted, both mentally and physically. His stomach growled, reminding him of their meal together at a restaurant in the airport in Dubai, where they had a few hours between flights.
"I should eat", he muttered to himself, turning around on the couch to lie on his back. Getting up felt like so much work.

He eventually placed his phone on the living room table and turned to stare at it, waiting for Eddy's text. It felt silly, and he caught himself wondering if he had become too dependent on Eddy. He concluded that he just needed to know he had made it home, to be sure he'd be there tomorrow at dinner.
He sat up quickly with a large smile when his phone lit up, seeing Eddy's name on the notification.

23:56 Eddy: Made it home, didn't die x

Eddy locked his phone again as he dragged the suitcase with him to the washing machine. Much easier access to his dirty laundry from there. His laundry-doing was interrupted when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out.

23:57 Brett: Good to hear <3 Miss you, though

Eddy smiled at his phone, feeling his heart flutter. Brett was such a sweet guy, something Eddy really loved about him. He touched the ring on his left hand with his thumb before replying.

23:59 Eddy: I miss you too <3 It's gonna be hard to sleep without you

Brett blushed at the message, smiling like an idiot. He was feeling the tiredness from a long travel hit him, and decided to get ready for bed while texting Eddy back.

00:03 Brett: I'm gonna have a hard time sleeping without hearing you say good night at least <\3

By the time Eddy recieved Brett's message, he had already brushed his teeth and laid down in bed. He tried to make himself comfortable, no position really felt right. Hebgrsbbed his phone from the bedside table and read Brett's message.
"Pft, we can fix that", he mumbled to himself, finding Brett's contact and giving him a call.

Brett jumped when his phone rang, but felt his heart melt into a puddle when he saw the photo of Eddy on the screen. He packed the duvet tighter around himself and answered the phone.
"Hey, love", he heard in the other end, and he smiled to himself.
"Hey", he said in a sleepy voice, feeling that warm fuzzy feeling inside. "It's so nice to hear your voice."
He heard Eddy's giggles through the phone.
"You saw me not even two hours ago", he said, and Brett imagined Eddy's smile as he did.
"Oh shut up, don't pretend you don't miss me. You wrote it earlier", he laughed, closing his eyes. He told himself it was to hear Eddy better, to imagine his face better.
"You're right, I miss you a lot. Can't get comfortable without my favourite pillow", Eddy replied, and Brett heard the rustling of bedsheets through the phone.
"Mhm, would be nice to cuddle", Brett mumbled, yawning. Eddy's voice was calming, and Brett was so tired.
"We'll cuddle tomorrow, love. Get some sleep now", Eddy said, and Brett could hear him smiling to himself through the phone.
"Would be nice. I love you so much", he yawned, feeling himself drifting off. The last thing he heard before falling asleep was Eddy's soft voice.
"Good night, Bretty. Love you too."

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