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Eddy stayed with him another night, and Brett worried about the fact that he refused the food offered to him by the nurse who came with food for Brett.
"You gotta eat, Eddy", Brett said quietly, looking down at the tray of food in his lap. He had been allowed to sit up finally, and the oxygen mask was removed. They were mostly only keeping him there to be sure he wasn't too dehydrated at this point.
Eddy shrugged.
"I'll eat later, I'm not really hungry", Eddy dismissed him, still with his eyes glued to the window. Brett sighed. He wasn't sure if Eddy had moved at all except the few moments the doctor had been in and told Brett he'd go to the psychiatric hospital later that day.

"You can have my blueberry muffin, if you want?" Brett offered, holding it out to him. "I don't think I'll be able to eat it anyway."
Eddy turned to look at him, and there was a sting in the bottom of Brett's stomach when he saw the dark circles under Eddy's eyes.
"I'm fine, Brett. You need that yourself", he said flatly, running his hand through his bangs to move them from his face. "Thanks, though."

Brett set the cupcake on the little side table by his bed and slowly tore into the sad plate of some sad looking eggs with tomato beans on the side.
"I'm not going to eat it, so you can have it or they'll throw it away", Brett said, his eyes on his plate. Eddy shifted slightly, but didn't take the muffin.
"Don't worry about me, Brett. I'll have something when I get hungry", Eddy said, trying to sound assuring. He even flashed a tiny smile, but of course Brett saw right through it.

"I'm sorry for what I said, Eddy", Brett said, setting his plate aside. Guilt was digging through his chest, and he tried desperately to ignore the tiny voice in the back of his head telling him that he should have had choked and died in that ambulance.
"I didn't mean it. I'm scared, and I took it out on you. You just want to help me, and I keep being an ass to you. I'm sorry."
Eddy looked at him, confused for a moment before slowly shaking his head as if Brett had just told him he had three eyes.
"No, no. I'm sorry I can't help you better. I'm trying to improve, Brett. I really am", Eddy half whispered, quickly wiping the tears spilling over. "I'm sorry I keep messing up."

Brett slid out of bed and shuffled over to Eddy, ignoring how cold it was outside the warm blanket.
"No no, Brett, go back to bed, you're in there for a reason... Brett... You have to... I'm sorry, Brett you shouldn't..."
Eddy's words slowly turned into rambles as Brett gently pulled him into a hug, and the younger of the two broke into sobs. Brett rubbed his back gently, closing his eyes. Eddy shook in his arms for a while, but Brett simply refused to let go.
"I'm sorry, Brett", he whispered again after a while, but this time Brett shut him up by kissing him firmly. It worked wonders.
"I love you, okay?", Brett said, caressing his cheek. "And I need you to be okay."
Eddy nodded weakly, wiping a tear running down his cheek.
"And to be okay, you need to eat and sleep. That's what dr. Davies says. Will you do that for me, Eddy?"

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