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//Sorry this is a bit short, working on another story at the same time that I hope you'll like once this ends!//

"Brett?" Victoria asked Eddy, to confirm she had understood the conversation right. He nodded.
"Yeah, he's coming over." He noticed a few notifications on his phone, and made a mental note to check them out later.
"Oh, is he?" She seemed to try not to appear disappointed as she had a sip from the drink she had gotten herself. She had gotten the same drink for Eddy, and he had sipped it slightly but left it mostly untouched on thr table, still not really comfortable with alcohol after what had happened. He felt bad about it, though, as she didn't know.
The bar was quite nice, although Eddy thought the prices were outrageous. Victoria had laughed when he mentioned, explaining that all alcohol were this expensive here. And also offered to buy him a drink. He had tried to say he didn't want one, but she insisted. There were large, comfy couches to sit in and it felt more like a living room than a bar, really. He was seated across from Victoria with a small table between them. The couches seemed really old, Eddy noticed, and the music playing over the loudspeakers felt a bit like elevator music. 

"So, what's up with the hickeys? Who's the lucky one?" Victoria asked out of the blue, and Eddy's face turned all red. He knew Chris hadn't left any hickeys, so that left only one option. Eddy was not sure if Brett wanted him to say.
"Uh... well... uh... it's kindof a secret..." he stuttered out, covering the most obvious hickey on his neck with his hand. Victoria gasped.
"No wayyyyy nooo, really?" she exclaimed, having realized who it must be. "Is it Br..."
"Shhhh!!!" Eddy silenced her loudly. "It's kind of not official yet, alright?"
"What's not official yet?" he heard a familiar voice say behind him before dumping down on the couch next to Eddy, beer in hand. Eddy blushed probably even harder at Brett's arrival. Victoria couldn't help but squeal to herself.
"Oh my god" she muttered under her breath, and Eddy couldn't help but think her inner fangirl monster came out in that very moment.
"Did I show up at a bad moment? Should I leave?" Brett was only half joking, the picture of Eddy and Victoria holding hands popping up in his brain.
Did he ask her to be his girlfriend or something?
Brett made a face when the the voice spoke, which probably was visible to the people around. Nobody commented it though.
"No, no!" Eddy said quickly, biting his lip hard, feeling the sting of his light pink streak. "It's just... uh... she kind of... uh... found out?" His hand went up to touch the hickey on his neck again, and now Brett's face turned as red as Eddy's was.
"Guys, really, I had a thing for you Eddy, but you guys are seriously meant to be together, alright? This is great!" Victoria said to a duet of "shhh!" from the other side of the table.
"B...but we're not official, okay? You can't tell anyone, Victoria" Eddy stuttered, struggling to find the words. He didn't notice Brett's face falter slightly at the "not official"-part. He knew they weren't official, but he didn't really know why. Or well, he knew, but he didn't understand why.
Again they didn't notice the tiny sound of a video recording on an iphone being stopped, and the tall shadow step away from the doorway.

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