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The two were almost out the front door when Gardner came running after them.
"Yang, Chen! Hold up a second, will you? I need a few words, if you don't mind." The two boys turned to face the conductor, who looked like he had serious matters to discuss.
"What is it? We're heading out", Eddy said, wanting to leave Grieghallen behind for the day and just enjoy the evening with his boyfriend.
"I know, I'm sorry to keep you, but it's about... what happened. I've spoken to Christoffer's father and he wants to meet the two of you for a dinner - as some kind of apology. He will pay for everythinf, of course." The conductor looked at the two boys who no longer was looking at him. They had their eyes at each other, discussing it just by looking at each other, Eddy being the desciding part in the matter.
"We'll go", Eddy said eventually. "As long as I don't have to accept the apology if I don't feel like it." He was nervous abput the dinner, and felt like accepting an apology from Chris' father on behalf of Chris would never even barely cover the damage he had done.
"I'll let him know and text you the details, alright? I truly despise what Christoffer has done and I don't think he'll ever be seen as trustworthy in the music community here ever again."

When they finally got out the door, out of the conductor's view, Eddy couldn't keep his brave face anymore and pulled Brett into a tight hug. Tears were forcing themselves out, but he wasn't properly crying.
"I'm sorry, I just..." he whispered into Brett's shoulder, and Brett carefully stroke his back as they hugged.
"Don't apologize. I'm proud of you, you're brave." He kissed the side of his forehead softly, really wishing he could be taller in that moment so he could wrap his arms around Eddy the same way Eddy did for him when he needed it. Instead, he almost tiptoed to even be able to hug him properly.
Don't you think Eddy would prefer someone taller?

"Thank you", Eddy sniffled, wiping his own tears. "I needed that hug."
Brett smiled at him. "Hey, that's what I'm for, right?" The two shared a laugh and Eddy took Brett's left hand in his.
"Ready for coffee date?", Eddy asked, leaning in to kiss Brett's cheek.
"Let's go", Brett replied, leaning into the kiss.

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