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//I'm sorry this is short, I had the wildest day with a premiere of one of my pieces and stuff, but I'll get back to this tomorrow//

Brett was lucky he didn't break his hand on impact, and he was more than lucky that he didn't need a cast. He had explained that he was a violinist and that he needed that hand. The nurse had joked that he probably should tone down the fighting if he needed his hands, as this was a common damage after fighting. Only a sprained finger, not a broken finger. He was given advice to keep it elevated and iced down to reduce the swelling and sent on his merry way with the hope that it would be better within the weekend.

They eventually got back to the hotel after being lost trying to find the right bus for probably an hour or two, and it was getting closer to morning than night now. Eddy was really struggling to stay awake, but he wanted to still be there for Brett. The low murring of the bus made that hard though.
"Eddy, love, just sleep. I'll wake you when we get there", Brett mumbled and kissed the side of his mouth softly. Eddy sighed heavily, tiredly.
"I wanna be awake with you", he mumbled back, leaning over to rest his head on Brett's shoulder. The bus was mostly empty, less than 10 other people including the driver in the large bus. He couldn't help his eyes gliding shut, no matter how hard he tried to keep them up.
"Shh... just sleep, it's fine", Brett whispered and placed his arm securely around his sleepy boyfriend.

Getting off the bus wasn't too fun. It had started raining and the wind had picked up the pace. Eddy shivered when the cold air hit him, but tried to hide it. There was a short walk from the bus stop to the hotel, and it was starting to get light out. They walked slowly, Eddy feeling his eyes almost shutting where he stood.
"Why did we even go there, they didn't do anything about your finger anyway?" Eddy complained, and Brett couldn't help but laugh, shutting down the voice attempting to get a say in his head.
"Well, we could have just hoped it would pass and possibly ruined my finger though", Brett suggested jokingly, and Eddy stuck his tongue out at him.
"You know I didn't mean it like that, stupid", he mumbled tiredly before sneaking his right hand to hold Brett's healthy hand. "I'm sorry you hurt your hand for me, but I think you were hot when you did it", Eddy giggled.
Brett felt his cheeks warm up as they turned into the square where the hotel was. 
"You're suggesting I fight some people to turn you on, or what?" Brett joked and tilted his head up slightly to look at his boyfriend. "Cause I'm not sure I want to keep doing that..."
"What? Why not?" Eddy said with a joking grin on his face. "I'm so disappointed right now." He kissed Brett quickly, and it was silent for a while until they reached the hotel. Eddy let out a huge yawn as they stepped into the elevator. He carefully leaned against the wall of it and closed his eyes for a second, only to be waken back up by the annoying "ding" as they reached their floor.
"Let's get you to bed, yeah?" Brett said and lead his boyfriend to their room.

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