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Finally it was their turn to step on what looked like some kind of tram, but in steps. They got a compartment with only one seat available, but Brett offered to stand so Eddy could sit in exchange for Eddy holding the camera.
"You could sit on my lap, though", Eddy suggested, patting lightly on his thigh to emphasize. Brett smiled, loving the idea, but realized they couldn't do that right now.
"We're making a video, love, remember?" he said apologetically followed by a kiss to the top of his head. "Maybe on the way back down?"
Eddy nodded, not exactly disappointed, but not happy either. He grabbed the camera from the backpack and got it ready while Brett leaned against one of the walls.

A few minutes later, the driver climbed on board and up they went. Eddy started the camera, and pointed it at Brett.
"Hey Brett, what are we doing right now?" he asked in a cheery tone, zooming in closer on Brett's face.
"We aare... Going up the mountain!" he cheered just as they stopped on the first stop of the railway. "Or not anymore, appearently." He laughed after the last part.
"It's just a stop, Bretty, no worries", Eddy laughed sweetly behind camera, moving it to show the stop where a few people had gotten off. "Looks like we're already pretty high up though, and appearently there's more stops. How high does it go, anyway?"
Brett looked out the window as they started moving upwards again.
"Dunno man, but this his already making me nervous", Brett commented, looking out the sky window of the carriage.
"You scared of heights, bro?", Eddy asked teasingly, still from behind the camera.
Brett flashed his deadpan face for the camera.
"Nah, nope. I'm not scared of anything, and you know it", he said, trying to sound convincing for the camera despite the fact that he felt slightly dizzy from looking out the window. He wasn't scared of heights normally, but there wss something about the angle of the hill or the carriage or... Something. He swallowed hard, leaning to one of the few walls without a window. They just kept getting higher.
"You sure you're not scared then?", Eddy teased, reaching over to poke Brett's arm, but got slapped away.
"Stop Eddy, it isn't funny", he said stiffly. Eddy reached out again, not realizing Brett was serious, but this time Brett actually smacked his hand hard.
"Stop it, I'm not joking! Turn the fucking camera off", he said, more panic visible in his voice now. Eddy furrowed his brows and put the camera away.
"You okay?" he asked Brett who looked like he'd seen a ghost at this point. Eddy stood up from his seat and stepped over to him. "Bretty?"
Brett shook his head hard, sinking to a seated position on the floor to avoid passing out. Some of the other passengers were staring at this point, but nobody said anything. Eddy followed him down, sitting on his knees and placing his arms tightly around Brett.
"Shh, it's okay", Eddy mumbled, feeling Brett use him to hide his face.
"I've never been scares of heights before", Brett whispered, still not daring to look. Eddy rubbed his back gently.
"I felt the butterflies from this too, though. I don't usually feel that", Eddy replied, trying to calm the shaky man in his arms as they passed what seemed to be the last stop before the top.
"You're not panicking", Brett countered bitterly. "It's just stupid, I'm sorry." He still hadn't dared to open his eyes, worried he'd panic harder if he did.
"It's not stupid, it's a natural reaction", Eddy mumbled, kissing the top of Brett's head. The carriage sliwed down before easing its way into the final stop. "Looks like we're here, though", he said, running a hand through Brett's hair, and Brett just nodded quietly, making no sign of moving.

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