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They both looked up from their breakfast a few days later when there came a knock on their door.

"Did you invite anyone?" Eddy asked Brett, who shook his head. Eddy put down his fork and went to see who it was.

"Heyyy Eddyboy!" Ray grinned, hugging him quickly before stepping past him and kicking off his shoes. Behind him, Jordon stepped in and took off his shoes as well.

"Uh, hey guys. What are you doing here?" Eddy asked, following them inside to the kitchen where Brett was still enjoying hos breakfast.

"Why, we're picking Brett up for his bachelor party of course!" Ray grinned, patting a surprised Brett on the back.

"Wh... what?" Brett asked, raising an eyebrow. "Bachelor party?"

"Yes of course!" Ray grinned. "It's my duty as your best man to organize one, and now I have. It's perfect!"

Brett furrowed his brows.
"I can't seem to remember asking you to be my best man?" he asked, folding his arms.

Ray shrugged.
"I mean, did you ask anyone else?" he said, smiling slyly. When Brett didn't reply, he clapped once. "See? And besides, you would have asked me anyway. I'm the best best man there is."

"Except me, of course," Jordon piped up, winking at Eddy. "And don't worry, I've got something coming for you too. No worries."

"I thought I said no bachelor parties?" Eddy groaned, sitting back down by his breakfast. "I swear, I don't need a last party before getting married. I just need to get married!"

Brett snorted, but tried to hide it by taking a bite of the eggs Eddy had made.
"Well, I guess I'm having a bachelor party then. When are we going?" he asked Ray, who grinned.

"Right now, as soon as possible. Swallow those eggs and let's go! Everyone's waiting!" he grinned, clapping eagerly. Brett snorted.

"Yeah yeah, sit down. I need to shower and get changed first," Brett said, hinting to the two other chairs they had with their kitchen table.

"Alright, but we have to go in an hour," Ray said as he and Jordon sat down. "We've got something we have to reach in time."


"Don't be too late, then," Eddy said, straightening the collar on Brett's shirt. He envied Ray and Jordon for getting to spend the day and evening with Brett looking this hot in his dark blue shirt with one button too many unbuttoned, with his hair fixed neatly and with a splash of cologne that couldn't really be felt without being closer to him than Eddy was comfortable with anyone else being. Not when he wasn't there anyway.

"I won't, mom," Brett joked and kissed him quickly. "Ray has promised to take care of me, anyway. Don't worry."

"I'm not sure that helps me relax," Eddy laughed, looking over at Ray who was tapping his foot impatiently. "Take care of yourself as well, and at least come home tonight. Don't run off with a hooker or whatever, alright?"

It was meant partly as a joke, but he didn't really know what kind of crap Ray could come up with. He trusted Brett, though.

He trusted Brett even more after the shocked look he recieved.
"I swear to god, Eddy, I would NEVER even..."
Eddy interrupted him with a kiss and a laugh.
"I know you wouldn't, hot stuff. Go have fun now!"

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