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"Hello and welcome to Carla's bakery!" a young girl, probably around their age almost squealed as they entered the little bakery. Freshly baked goods filled the air with all kinds of sweet scents, the counter was filled with what seemed to be endless different kinds of pastries and cakes and while there weren't a whole lot of people in there they couldn't be said to be empty.

"Hey, we are looking for Carla? For an appointment," Brett requested, taking off his sunglasses as he said that. The girl's jaw dropped.

"Oh my god, of course it's you two! It's me! I am Carla!" she said excitedly, holding out her hand for a hand shake. "I can't... I don't even know how to explain how excited I am about this consultation!"

Eddy couldn't help but smile at the excitement this girl was beaming, and he reached out to hold Brett's hand.
"You can say we're excited about this consultation too," Eddy said with a smile, and Brett squeezed his hand lightly. "Especially after our previous experience."

"Oh yes I heard," Carla said, suddenly sounding almost angry. "That asshole has done this before, and how he's still able to stay open I don't know. Anyway, let's go into the consultstion room, yes?"

She lead them to a smaller back room with a little desk and a ton of different papers in a shelf behind it. Carla sat down on one side, indicating for them to sit on the other side.

"So, oreo cake? Yes?" she asked, grabbing a sketchbook from the stack of books on the side of her desk.

"That's the plan," Brett confirmed, looking up at Eddy for support. Eddy nodded as well. "If it's possible, of course."

"Oh sure, of course! How many guests are you having?" Carla asked with a wide smile while scribbling down oreo cake in the corner of the paper.

"157, I think?" Eddy said, looking to Brett who shook his head.
"154. There's been a few who can't make it," Brett corrected, and Eddy just nodded. Brett had taken on the dealing with the guest list.

"So, definitely a cake with 200 servings then. Did you have anything specific in mind when it comes to looks?" she asked, turning more into her professional self rather than her fangirl self.

"Just, somewhat traditional, maybe? And uh, we have these uh... Flowers..." Eddy pulled out his phone to find the picture he had of the example piece the florist had put together for him. "It would be nice to have some of the same uh... Textures, I guess..."

He turned his phone around and showed her, and she nodded before skillfully sketching up a cake on her sketchbook.
"So no music on this one?"

Brett looked quickly at Eddy,obviously having an opinion on the matter, but he wanted Eddy to say what he thought first. Eddy raised an eyebrow, indicating he wanted Brett to speak first.

"Well uh, we kind of got to know each other... Through music, so I suppose that's only right?" Brett suggested hesitatingly, and Eddy nodded in agreement.
"Not like over the top, maybe, but just a hint?" Eddy added, taking Brett's hand under the table. "And not canon in D, I swear to Ling Ling..."

The three laughed together, and Carla quickly sketched up something on the bottom tier as the laugh settled.
"So, I have a suggestion. How about a duet, maybe the Navarra, around the bottom tier? I don't think I'll fit the whole thing, but at least the first 40 bars or something maybe?"

Brett nodded eagerly, looking at Eddy.
"Dude, the navarra is perfect. That's like our signature piece," he said eagerly, and Eddy couldn't help but be smitten by his excitedness.
"Definitely, as long as it's accurate?"

Carla nodded.
"Of course, wouldn't dare to half ass it and risk being roasted!" she joked, adding it as a detail on the drawing. She turned the sketchbook and showed them the sketch.

"God, it's perfect. You'll do the pipework on all the layers? Won't that take forever?" Eddy asked, studying the drawing, but Carla just shrugged.
"I've been practicing forty hours a day all my life to do this, so I think I can manage to get it done before the day. May 23rd, right?"

"Forty hours! That's amazing," Brett laughed. "I believe in you, Carla. Thank you for taking it on."

"Grandma is very passionate about stealing customers from that asshole you went to earlier, and I'm a huge fan so that works out well," Carla laughed. "I'll have the cake ready and delivered for the day, no worries."

They stood up and Carla shook both their hands.
"Would you like a taste of the oreo cake to go, by the way? I just filled some before you came," she offered with a wide smile, and they nodded.

"I mean, if you have them ready," Eddy said with a smile, and she ran off to get them for them.

"Thank you! I'll make you a beautiful cake, don't worry!" she said as she handed them the box of cake and off they went, all smiles.

Denial - a Breddy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now