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They had been at the ER for what felt like forever, but it was actually just a few hours. Eddy had fallen asleep halway in Brett's lap, and of course Brett didn't mind at all. He loved being able to carefully run his non damaged fingers through Eddy's hair. He absolutely ignored the rude stares from the elderly couple waiting across the room from them. He also attempted to ignore the little boy playing maybe a little too loudly in the play area, even though he thought he seemed like a good kid. Maybe two years old, if that much. He was there with his mom, who seemed to be the one they were in the ER for.
Brett didn't want to seem like a creepy guy looking at the little boy, but his mind wandered to the future. Would he and Eddy ever get married? Maybe adopt a child? He smiled at the thought. He hadn't really given it much thought before, but the idea didn't seem too bad. He could see himself as a dad one day.
As if the two of you will stay together long enough to ever even consider getting married.
Brett wanted to scream when the voice spoke. He really thought he had it under control now, he really did.

"You alright, Bretty?" Eddy asked in a sleepy, raspy voice from his lap. He had turned so he could look up at him. Brett sighed.
"It's the voice again, but it's fine, don't worry." He was determined to have it shut up, so it would be fine. It had to be fine. 
"You sure?" Eddy lifted his hand to carefully caress his cheek. Again Brett felt the rude stares from the elderly couple, but sent them a quick rude stare back before smiling at Eddy. He wanted to lean down and kiss him, but the angle was awkward.
"Yeah, I'll tell that annoying bitch to shut up", Brett said in a joking manner and winked at Eddy, who giggled as a response.
"You do that, little fighter man", Eddy teased and stroke Brett's arm with the hurt finger carefully. Brett stuck out his tongue at him at the new nickname. It was a silly nickname, he didn't really want to fight much. Chris was the exception.

The nurse came out and called out a name, but it wasn't Brett's. It seemed to have been the mother's, as she started collecting her child and their stuff. Brett followed them with his eyes as they left. His mind flashed an image of Eddy playing with a child in that same play area, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought. He wanted that at some point, with Eddy. To be a family. Not yet though. At least not the child part of it. The getting married part...
"What are you smiling at?" Eddy asked curiously, still looking up at Brett. He loved seeing Brett's genuine smile, and this was a special one. The same kind he sometimes had on his face when dreaming. 
"Oh, nothing. I guess you'll see", he said still smiling and ran his good hand through Eddy's hair.

"Brett Yang?" the nurse called out, facing the two lovebirds with a welcoming smile despite the time nearing midnight. Eddy sat up to let Brett go with the nurse, unsure if he'd be allowed to come. Brett sensed his insecurity.
"Uh, is it alright if... he comes too?" he asked the nurse, gesturing to Eddy. She smiled at them.
"What's your relationship? I'm sorry, but I have to ask", she said, laughing a bit at the end of her sentence. Eddy looked at him, waiting for Brett to respond. Would he keep it low, like their deal had been? He hoped not.
"He's my boyfriend", Brett said, looking back at Eddy with a smile. Eddy felt his heart flutter with happiness when he heard Brett announce him as his boyfriend. It felt so special, and the poor nurse didn't know how special she was to be the first stranger to know. Eddy bounced off his seat and went to go with his boyfriend.
"Alright, that's no problem at all", the nurse said, still smiling that welcoming smile. "Let's get you checked out, Brett. This way."

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